Recent content by jbaker72157

  1. J

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    I have 7.8 hours dual as of today, 0.7 simulated instrument, 41 take off/landings. I would be happier if I could fly more often but that's my schedule not the CFI/plane availability.
  2. J

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Went up today and put another 1.3 in the log. Worked on pattern work and then put the foggles to mix it up for .7, also got some more radio time in. Things are going good and I'm happy with the progression.
  3. J

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Got 1.6 in yesterday, worked on ground reference manuevers and lots of touch and goes. Went out today for another .9, flew to another airport for a few touch and go before returning to work on pattern/radio work had two great greasers to end the day. Sitting at 6.5 total hours.
  4. J

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Went up this evening for 1.3, started with some pattern work with touch and go then out to the practice area for some ground reference maneuvers. Finished up with more pattern work and a couple of touch and go landings and 1 full stop. I'm starting to get more comfortable with the plane and...
  5. J

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Got medical today and logged another 1.1hrs. worked on flight maneuvers/touch and goes.
  6. J

    So, student pilots.. Who are we and where do we stand?

    Logged my first hour today as student pilot and loved every minute of it. Will have to get used to using rudder for taxi and relaxing a bit while landing but I am looking forward to many more hours.
  7. J

    Musical Accompaniment to Fly Airplanes

    Magic Carpet Ride - Steppenwolf On Top of the World - Imagine Dragons
  8. J

    Wondering what's a good concealed carry rig ...

    Magazine capacity is definitely a draw back to the 43, but with the trade off for weight and bulk it's just part of it. That's why I went with the TTI +2 basepad. I don't even notice the lack of finger grooves on the 43 as my G22 is the only other handgun I own that has the grooves.
  9. J

    Wondering what's a good concealed carry rig ...

    Love the 43. Carry it in the front pocket of my jeans daily. I don't have a 27 to base off of so I can't say for sure how much thinner, only that it's way thinner than my 21 lol. I can lay a nickel on top of the slide and it overhangs very slightly in each side.
  10. J

    Wondering what's a good concealed carry rig ...

    Yep, I carry a gun around all day at work and when I get off work and am away from the house I carry a smaller gun. I was really bad about leaving mine at home since it was a large pistol, i bought the baby glock a few months ago and haven't left home without it once.
  11. J

    Wondering what's a good concealed carry rig ...

    When not at work I carry either my Sig 1911 in a custom leather holster or a Glock 43 in a blackhawk pocket holster. Also carry the glock 43 at work as a backup. Glock 43 with Taran Tactical +2 extension in a blackhawk pocket holster.
  12. J

    I gotta brag about my BIL just a little:

    Must be a pretty decent BIL, after all he is a former Razorback.
  13. J

    Home Security Suggestions

    Camera system, at least then youll have a better chance at getting the suspects identified. Get a good HD camera setup with both hsrd drive and cloud storage. Like you said, if they want in then they will get in. Alarms are a joke, especially if you live in a rural area where patrol cars are few...
  14. J

    NA Local Police NA

    SCOTUS may have ruled that they are not REQUIRED by law to protect or serve, however there are officers out there every day doing just that.
  15. J

    Saw a man get tazed and arrested today

    I would say that a mugging either with a weapon or by threat of harming you while unarmed would be a forcible felony, so the threat of force would be justified.