Recent content by heather.hins

  1. H

    Having a tough time choosing a book...

    I've watched a few videos with him and of course his narration on Flight Simulator. If that translated well into the books, I think they'd be good, or at least easy to read and re-read.
  2. H

    Having a tough time choosing a book...

    Forgot to mention, that's the only aviation book I own so far - read it about 15 years ago as a kid and dug it out again. :)
  3. H

    Having a tough time choosing a book...

    Just spotted that one, I'll investigate further!
  4. H

    Having a tough time choosing a book...

    Hello, first - thank you for all the great info on this forum, I'm more of a reader than a poster but I'm struggling finding a book. I haven't started my training but have taken two discovery flights over the past year and rode along with a student for a couple hours. I'm pretty familiar with...
  5. H

    Average Flight Rules Map

    That will be perfect, thank you Greg
  6. H

    Average Flight Rules Map

    Is there a map (maybe styled like a heat map or this) of the US that would indicate areas on average with X days of IFR / VFR, etc... ? I can view real-time here and many other places of course, but I was curious if any yearly averages exist...
  7. H

    Careers, aside from the obvious?

    Thank you again for the replies, it's a lot to consider. Sorry to be vague on the schedule piece but I just didn't want to be away more than I was home or need to move every few years. :)
  8. H

    Assumptions on Aircraft Rental

    Thanks for the reply. I'm ok with planning the costs during training, my concerns / questions are mainly aimed after my license. Will I be able to actually afford to keep going up once I legally can? Could I afford to take the plane for a week away somewhere at a time, etc. Seems like...
  9. H

    Careers, aside from the obvious?

    That was me... then I started my own business and worked myself to death, oops. Now I just want a happy medium. Enough money to get by and I would still like to be home with a somewhat realistic schedule. :)
  10. H

    Assumptions on Aircraft Rental

    Thank you for the replies, KFAR (2 choices that I know of for rentals) pretty reasonable price wise but I know there's more to it... just don't exactly know what. I know it may seem odd to be looking at this with 1 hour of flight experience but hey... I need to know I can afford it first. :)
  11. H

    Careers, aside from the obvious?

    Thank you for the responses so far!
  12. H

    Assumptions on Aircraft Rental

    Is there a nice resource explaining the aircraft rental process for someone with a private pilot certificate? (For personal use of the plane) Some of the topics / terms are confusing for newbies just estimating costs down the road. Here are my assumptions so far, am I on track? "Wet"...
  13. H

    Careers, aside from the obvious?

    Please be constructive, I'm allowed to dream.
  14. H

    Careers, aside from the obvious?

    Hello, I'm glad I found these forums since I don't really know any pilots! I have been interested in aviation for many years. (R/Cs and full-size) I may be in a position to switch career paths and am having difficulty finding careers as a pilot other than in the airline industry. What are...