Recent content by Dave2

  1. Dave2

    No White Christmas Here This Year

    Why heck that's almost VFR :rolleyes:
  2. Dave2

    My Girlfriend is Ruining My Life

    Get a new G.F. Sheeeesh. :rolleyes: There are lots of beauties out there that would fall head over heals with a pilot who would take them to the Islands at the drop of a hat. :)
  3. Dave2

    placard for pa28-140 with a 180 engine

    That should read STC SA793CE
  4. Dave2

    oshkosh 2012

    Just let it be dry in the Nort' 40
  5. Dave2

    Stupid Turbocharging Question

    Both are superchargers. They compress (super charge) air in this case. If you compress the same volume of air it will raise the temperature the same amount. PVT
  6. Dave2

    Departure thread

    We in S.E. MI, and those who tried to fly through this are, who couldn't make are truely disappointed. :( Glad you all had a wonderful time. Will try again next year.
  7. Dave2

    On the road...

    Looks to me like he's parked. ie. Tach is reading zero
  8. Dave2

    Weather Watch Thread: 6Y9 Fly-In 2011

    well what do you want for $55 an hour. he's gotta pay for the Jag somehow.:confused:
  9. Dave2

    Weather Watch Thread: 6Y9 Fly-In 2011

    Yes of course bring hip boots :yikes:
  10. Dave2

    POA Roll-Call, Airventure 2011

    God I hope so :)
  11. Dave2

    Mackinac Island Temp closure

    I assume you are including snowmobiles :rofl:
  12. Dave2

    POA Roll-Call, Airventure 2011

    Save bike for me, I'll even pay in advance in case I can't make it. I never know when I'll show up.
  13. Dave2

    POA Roll-Call, Airventure 2011

    I'm going to try again this year. The last few haven't worked out too well. Camping under water ain't my idea of a good time. :nonod: Hope to meet up with the campers in the nort' 40 :D I gotta figure out where to get a camping bike though.
  14. Dave2

    Conquering the fear XC at a time.

    Ya should have been there 2 weeks ago. Not a cloud in the sky, and the air was as smooth as glass. A few more pictures of the Keys out of Marathon. Ok I lied :wink2: a few little clouds.
  15. Dave2

    Student pilot plane question

    Train in the 172, but if you are already comfortable in a 182 I'd recommend that especially for flying in ID