Birthday fly-in/cook out at the farm - 2010

WE might be able to do that. we were going east on I-70, anyway.

we will see how the time works out
It would be great if you could come! :)

From I-70, at Kansas City, you can get to Highway 71 south, via I-435 on the east side of K.C. and take 71 (it's a 4-lane) south to the Highway 126 exit that is 7 miles south of Lamar, MO. Our farm and airfield is one mile east of the intersection of 71 and 126. The ends of both runways are right next to Highway 126.
It would be great if you could come! :)

From I-70, at Kansas City, you can get to Highway 71 south, via I-435 on the east side of K.C. and take 71 (it's a 4-lane) south to the Highway 126 exit that is 7 miles south of Lamar, MO. Our farm and airfield is one mile east of the intersection of 71 and 126. The ends of both runways are right next to Highway 126.

Thank you vary much for the invitation, we will see how the trip progresses.
If instructions to your house include "leave the paved road at . . . , you might be a red-neck."

J. Foxworthy

It would be great if you could come! :)

From I-70, at Kansas City, you can get to Highway 71 south, via I-435 on the east side of K.C. and take 71 (it's a 4-lane) south to the Highway 126 exit that is 7 miles south of Lamar, MO. Our farm and airfield is one mile east of the intersection of 71 and 126. The ends of both runways are right next to Highway 126.
If instructions to your house include "leave the paved road at . . . , you might be a red-neck."

J. Foxworthy
:D And after you drive east one mile from Highway 71 on Highway 126, then turn right (south) onto the dirt road and drive south for 1/2 mile down the dirt road to the driveway that is mostly hidden by the trees and weeds. :D
:D And after you drive east one mile from Highway 71 on Highway 126, then turn right (south) onto the dirt road and drive south for 1/2 mile down the dirt road to the driveway that is mostly hidden by the trees and weeds. :D

What's the biggest vehicle to go down that road? (we are 12 high).
What's the biggest vehicle to go down that road? (we are 12 high).

If you're too tall, you could do like some of the flyers do, park at the paved airport and someone will come get you! :D
What's the biggest vehicle to go down that road? (we are 12 high).
We have big pig trucks and huge, giant combines come down the dirt road that goes by our house. Here is a photo of the fuel truck that drives in our driveway and drives out to our fuel tank by our hangar. One time he didn't turn sharp enough into our driveway and a wheel went off into our culvert and the tire came off the wheel. He had to call a big tow truck to help him fix that.


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Just a little piece of heaven, eh?

We have big pig trucks and huge, giant combines come down the dirt road that goes by our house. Here is a photo of the fuel truck that drives in our driveway and drives out to our fuel tank by our hangar. One time he didn't turn sharp enough into our driveway and a wheel went off into our culvert and the tire came off the wheel. He had to call a big tow truck to help him fix that.
Wayne, this is for you. If you bring your guitar, we'll provide the tractor. ;)

I'll dang sure bring it if you can find somebody like that guy to play it. Otherwise I'll play the same three chords (and in some cases as many as five) that have been all I need to get drunk and sing even more poorly than I play for all these years.

"And today, I started loving you again . . ." sip

Wayne, this is for you. If you bring your guitar, we'll provide the tractor. ;)

LOL! Great video ... wonder what kind of songs you could play with a John Deere single cylinder hit or miss? or a twin ...
That's some good stuff right there. Who's the player that plays like Chet Atkins?
It's a hoot, isn't it. :D

I'm not sure about the player. In the longer, bigger resolution version on YouTube, the men are speaking in a different language as they are getting ready to play. I don't think they're from around here.

I wonder what kind of tractor that is?

I'll dang sure bring it if you can find somebody like that guy to play it. Otherwise I'll play the same three chords (and in some cases as many as five) that have been all I need to get drunk and sing even more poorly than I play for all these years.

"And today, I started loving you again . . ." sip
How funny. :D I'm looking forward to your singing that song. :cheerswine:

LOL! Great video ... wonder what kind of songs you could play with a John Deere single cylinder hit or miss? or a twin ...
Gosh, it sure has a nice beat to it. :D Do you have to crank it every time? Looks like a lot of work. :yes:
"Hey piano player, do you know your monkey just whissed in my beer?"

"No, but if you hum a couple of bars I'll try to come up with something close."
Bob, we're sorry you can't make it back. Kim and Barb will be here and I'm sure they wish you could make it, too.

I know it will be a fun time, but I think one time with Barb, Diana and Kim should be enough in one summer!
Re: Birthday fly-in/cook out at the farm this Saturday

This is just a reminder about the fly-in this weekend. :)

Mitchell, are you still flying down from K.C.?

Joe Areeda is en route and will be here today. (He has a VERY long chore list when he gets here. :D The earlier you get here, the more work you have to do. :D) We have one gentleman from the red board who plans to fly in from ABQ with his 5-year-old daughter in his Pacer. They plan to camp here.

We'll be using Runway 3/21 (left-hand pattern) and 122.9 is what we use at LLU and Twin Oaks.

There will be flying all day (giving rides) and the cook-out/pot luck will be around 4:00 or 5:00.

Bring a chair and a dish to pass. :)

If anyone has a hand-held radio, please bring it. It seems like all our radios have their batteries die at the most inconvenient times. The video camera seems to do that too. :D

Wayne Pierce has volunteered to shuttle people back and forth to LLU. :)

The hot air balloon launch is still planned for late Saturday afternoon.

I wonder if anyone from the MC can add the upcoming date to the thread title? Thanks. :)
Diana I don't think I'm going to make it :( Have fun and happy birthday!
Re: Birthday fly-in/cook out at the farm

Painted toenail contest? Hmmm?

That's a given! lol

My mani/pedi person is the absolute best and if I could be there, I would give all of you a run for your money. Have fun and I want to see photos... wish I didn't have a family birthday party to go to on Saturday. It's in St. Louis... close enough to drop in and meet everyone!
Re: Birthday fly-in/cook out at the farm

Diana I don't think I'm going to make it :( Have fun and happy birthday!
:( Thanks, Tony. We'll miss you this year.

Have fun and I want to see photos... wish I didn't have a family birthday party to go to on Saturday. It's in St. Louis... close enough to drop in and meet everyone!
Well, come by sometime when you have time. :)

Marc Popejoy just delivered the bratwurst to the farm. Unfortunately, he won't be able to join us on Saturday.


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I know it will be a fun time, but I think one time with Barb, Diana and Kim should be enough in one summer!

What exactly does that mean, Bob?

Did we wear you out?? :frown2:
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Bob, we're sorry you can't make it back. Kim and Barb will be here and I'm sure they wish you could make it, too.

So far, the people from the Blue Board that said they are coming for sure are:

Kim Pardon
Marc and Shari Popejoy
Dean and Kelly Davis
Joe and Viveca Areeda
Wayne and Rebecca Pierce
Malcolm (he doesn't post here, but he reads)
Brent (maybe)
Mitchell Stafford
Rudy and Jim Belew
All the other people who are coming. :D

Did I forget anyone?

Sorry Diana, my plane is down for maintenance til Tuesday. Not going to be able to make it down. Hope you guys have a great time. And Happy Birthday!
Sorry Diana, my plane is down for maintenance til Tuesday. Not going to be able to make it down. Hope you guys have a great time. And Happy Birthday!
I appreciate your letting me know. Thanks.

Thank you Stacey. :)

Well, Joe did a good job of mowing the runways yesterday. The grass is getting dry and stressed again, so it won't be as green as last year. Cold front tomorrow may not cool us down much, but the air is supposed to be drier at least.
Happy BIRTHDAY Diana! :) Have fun today... hope the rain didn't get u over there too badly... St. Louis got hammered last night, KSUS was a bit swampy, but looks like everything has pushed through this morning. There was a cool WW2 plane parked there when we landed (Liberty Belle). I sat for a moment on the taxiway and Christopher took photos... way cool!
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Diana- hope your birthday is wonderful!

Happy birthday Diana, I know you will have a great time at the farm. It is a great place to be. I wish I could make it.
We're here in Asheville for the b-day/anniversary gig. First time to fly somewhere for this event. Now if I could just convince the husband to go to the Missouri!

Hope you're having a great weekend!!!!

Happy Birthday Diana!

Sorry I coudn't make it. I'm stuck in Cleveland.
So... let's hear from somebody who did make it to the farm. Hopefully with photos! How was the bratwurst??