2008 Aviation Goals - how'd you do?


Taxi to Parking
Feb 25, 2005
Display Name

Display name:
White Chocolate
Mine were:

Take delivery of a Comanche FAIL
Have my first student pass his checkride ACHIEVED
Land in North Dakota and Alaska - giving me 49 of the 50 states being traveled to via GA. FAIL
Get tailwheel endorsement FAIL
Try and get more than 1 PoAer south of Iowa to visit 6Y9 - not counting on it - evidently we're not "good enough" for the southern folks. FAIL
Start work on ferry tanks for said Comanche so I can say I have flown TO every state via GA. Yes, fly a Comanche to Hawaii. FAIL
Top the 700 hour mark. FAIL (didnt even get to 600)

For 2009 I have no goals.
I flew the 24.

yep that's it.
Got my PPL, next year top 100TT. May be tight cause I have a busy work year ahead of me.
Earn CP-ASEL: Failed
Earn CFI: Failed
Attend 6Y9 Fly-In again: Achieved
Attend Gaston's: Failed
Break 500hr mark: Achieved
Get Tailwheel Endorsement: Failed
Get Tow-Pilot checkout: Failed

I'm not making any 'goals' for next year other than fly as much as time and money allows.
2008 goal was to rectify the failure of becoming airborne in the STOL amphibion in 2007. FAILED, because it was only flyable as a land plane, not too interesting.

2008 goal was to continue building and making increased airworthyness modifications to the aircraft. ACHIEVED

2009 goal, rectify 2007 and 2008 failures!
Get my MEI: FAIL (just 5 hrs in)
Finish ATP Written: FAIL (haven't started)
Fly a jet: FAIL (terribly close!)
Fly more than last year: FAIL (could still Pass...only 6hrs to go)

Well bummer...however,

Loose weight: PASS (35lbs...err maybe just 30 post xmas)
Get my private ticket, nope, year four, didn't get it. Instructor says mid January. That will mean it took me four and one half years, and close to one hundred thousand dollars to get my private pilots license.

This includes getting bilked at a flying school for around twenty five thousand. Purchasing my own Warrior trainer approximately sixty thousand with repairs and improvements. Cataract operation on my one eye, three thousand. Working my way through the labyrinth of bureaucratic tangled mess regarding if I'm a citizen or not, one year and close to two thousand dollars, which included hiring a genealogist to research my fathers background. Not good enough.

The U.S. Department of defense thought I was so much a citizen I received a security clearance to teach on a nuclear weapons system, that was after a C.I.D. background check.

State department said the defense department will say anything for cannon fodder. Separate governments of the U.S, who would of thought?

Having to prove I was a Canadian citizen in order to get a U.S. pilots license. That took two weeks and sixty dollars to work my way through the Canadian bureaucracy.

Going through the TSA background check and fingerprinting, about three months plus one hundred and thirty dollars and another seventy five or so dollars for the fingerprints.

Once my citizenship became a question mark, it was illegal to give me pilots training without a TSA background check.

The end is in sight though. Had I known what this mission would entail, I never would have embarked on it. My other problem is being too stupid to know when to throw in the towel, never was much big on quiting.

Last edited:
1) ATP - Single or Multi - PASS, ATP-Multi in Sept.
2) Score a 135 job - PASS, March
3) Buy Diana's book - neutral, not published yet
4) Continue to pepper PoA land with Chocolate Chip Cookies - PASS, I had cookies at Sidnaw
5) Help Diana as needed with her CFI - well, im still willing
6) Fly with Teller and not make him throw up (we had a great flight though!) - still willing
7) Get Chris his Commercial, CFI, Tow checkout, and help Rachel with her Private. - still willing
8) Convince Dave S and Lance Fisher that they need to be CFI's - they're convinced, i hope
9) Help Greg with Glider goals - still helping
10) Help Jesse with Instrument, Commercial, and CFI - helped with instrument.
11) Instruct as much as I can and still manage to pass classes - Pass, i graduated!
12) Graduate next December, and find a fun 'real' job that allows me to fly - hard to tell if i passed or failed this...
13) Continue to fly long (or short) glider flights next summer. - pass
14) Gastons and 6Y9, somehow. - pass!
Get Commercial - FAIL
Fly to Philadelphia - FAIL
Fly while at school - more or less fail, I only flew twice.
Get comm. long xc out of the way -Win!
Fly to visit friend in MI - Win!

Goals for 09:
Get Commercial
Consider getting CFI
Flying trip to east coast
In case any of you need a reminder of what your goals are, look here: http://www.pilotsofamerica.com/forum/showthread.php?t=18435

I said:

1. Get my commercial
2. Shut up and buy a plane already!

Plus a bunch of smaller ones. :yes:

How'd I do?

1. Get my commercial: ACHIEVED! Thanks to Tony. We'd better give him another "achieved" even though I wasn't on his list a year ago. :)

2. Shut up and buy a plane already! FAIL but that might have been vastly different had I not been laid off at the end of July. :frown2:

A bunch of smaller ones: ACHIEVED! I got my multi add-on, went on a 5800 nm cross country adventure, did a mountain flying course, did a SFO Bay tour, saw the air museums at Tillamook and McMinville (where I saw the Spruce Goose and spent most of the day talking to a man who was a B-17 captain in WWII), met some PoAers in person for the first time (Mari, Marty, Rollie, and I'm probably forgetting some!), saw many others again, took two (Troy and Bill) into OSH for the first time, put three more aircraft types in the logbook, and added 13 states and 63 airports to the list of places I've flown. Those airports included the busiest I've been to (Chicago Midway), the highest (Leadville, CO) and lowest (Furnace Creek) public-use airports in the ConUS, some beautiful backcountry strips, Bryce Canyon...

I'd have to say I had a pretty damn good year! :yes:

I put a total of 152.5 hours in the logbook, including 63.9 on the big trip. 145.7 PIC, 111.2 XC, 33 night and 4.7 actual. Total now 694.5, 646.6 PIC, 465 XC, 174.1 night, 31.4 actual.

So, I guess pretty much the only thing I *didn't* do was buy that airplane.

Let's see....
- Get commercial ticket failed
- Have my first mentee pilot get his ticket failed
- buy a plane failed
- fly to Alaska failed
- Attend at least four PoA fly-in events passed? (6Y9, Gaston's, Diana's b'day, Valpo 8/15)
- Hit 500 hours (101.2 to go) failed (Only made it to about 445)
- Celebrate my 19th anniversary in May passed (Yeah!)
- Actually teach enough ground classes to maintain currency without a signoff failed
- edit Diana's book, or at least provide commentary on it prior to publication neutral - not ready for that stage yet.

Get Tail Wheel endorsement : Passed
Start building an RV-12 : Passed
Overhaul RV-3 0-235 : Failed (defered until Jan / Feb 09)
Make trip to the east coast to fill in map below : Failed
Actually, I feel better after reading all of these. I am not alone!:)
I keep dragg'n my feet on finishing up my instrument. Need to get written out of the way (dreading) and take checkride, that's it!

Finish up Instrument
Work on Commercial and Multi-engine
Attend first POA event in PA. Maybe other stops if time and $$$ allows

Regardless, I am happy to have found a great group of friends at POA. Safe
and happy Holidays!
Get back in the air - PASS
Buy an airplane - PASS

Not too difficult. Next year's goals, so far:
Go to Gaston's
Go to 6Y9
Well, my fingers got a little frisky when I originally posted my goals!

Mentor at least three new pilots: help three get some twin time.
Definitely made this one; flew with several POAers and a couple other folks.

Get rated/qualified/proficient in a King Air.
Did get some time, but moved away from getting qualified.

Meet up with more POAers and folks on the Beechlist and AvSig.
Did Gastons and several other meet ups.

Trips: Wisconsin several times--stop to see POAers when possible. Colorado skiing at least once; hopefully more. Yep
South Carolina family visits and look at deals. Yep
San Diego--friends and deals; Yep
Fly in Hawaii--rent while on vacation. Got to Hawaii; didn't rent while there.
Orlando for SIMCOM and to see family. IPC mid year. Yep
Gastons of course. Yep
At least one more flight in a jet as PIC. Missed this.


1 Got my commercial single and multi
2 Got some more IMC
3 Didn't get to the west coast or Panama in a multi but did get to Wyoming
4 Didn't get a steady flying job but did do a few jobs
Make Gaston's 2008=Failed
Acro ride with Diana=Done
Buy another airplane= Close, deposit made, picking up Jan 3rd, 2009
Fly to 6Y9 so Ed will get off us Southerners for not making it=Failed
Add TW endorsement= Failed
Add HP endorsement=Done
Aw, cmon. You don't think you're going to get off that easily, do you? Details, man!

After I actually get it home, I will post the details, don't want to screw it up.:D A few details, single seat E-LSA , something for me to tinker with and fly around here, but it does have fuel for 6 hrs and a range of about 550 nm.
Hit 500hrs: PASS
200hrs in yr: PASS
Backcountry flying experience: PASS
CP- single add-on: FAIL
Hit 600hrs: FAIL
Buy new airplane: Well, it wasn't on the list, but PASS!!!
Get airplane in hangar: FAIL FAIL FAIL:frown3:

All in all, you won't hear any complaining from this pilot. Just to be able to go flying at all is such a plum!

Happy New Year to all!:drink:
1) Stay married long enough to get to 18 years (this May) :D - Pass
2) Finish the dang IR (January?) - Failed had knee surgery instead
3) Get involved with the local EAA chapter - Pass
4) Make my third trip to Gaston's in June - Pass
5) Get my wife to travel via GA more often - Pass
6) Make my second trip to Wings - Failed
7) Add more Pitts time in the log book - Failed, he bought an MX-2

2009 Goals:
1) Make it 19 years married
2) Finish the IR
3) Make 4th trip to Gaston's
4) Give more rides to friends (started in 2008)
CP-ASEL failed.

Weather last two months has been for S**T. Still need some night time and two Dual XC's then test prep. Will make it by Mid March so I do not have to have a BFR first.

FLY to MYR and back more often, did only once in April.
1) Finish Instrument rating - FAIL
I'm fed up with instructors who pay no attention to students. I'm fed up with schools who prefer Part 141 foreign students to local Part 61 students. Obviously they have no clue as to the concept of "word of mouth advertising".
2) 500 Hours - PASS
3) Find a job - FAIL.
Contract ended back in April and I've been looking ever since. And with no job, can't spend money on all those really great sales at the stores.
4) Housebreak the dog - PASS
Finally! Now if I can just teach him to come back to me when I call him.
I have two goals

To fly as much as I can: accomplished

To not die in a firery aircraft accident that will be picked apart on PoA: accomplished
200hrs in yr: PASS

Wow Andrew, nice job! I bet there's not a lot of people on here who got 200 hours and aren't getting paid to fly. :yes:

Buy new airplane: Well, it wasn't on the list, but PASS!!!

Wait a minute... Did you not have the T182 at the beginning of 2008? Or did you buy another airplane? :dunno:
- fly to Key West PASSED
- Gaston's again....YIPPEEEEE!!! PASSED
- Wings again Failed - the annual happens in May and it's never out in time
- make it to the other coast Failed
- must make it to 6Y9 Failed
- sneak in some more glider time Failed
- use my gift cert for multi time and see what I think PASSED
- think of other places the husband will enjoy by air so he doesn't notice $$$ flying out the door :D PASSED

50%....not too good, not too bad.

2009 Goal - hit 75% once I figure them out!
Get my IR - FAILED

Well, there were extenuating circumstances. Something about prostate cancer, surgery, pulmonary embolism, recovery... I haven't touched the yoke since July 8. So, goals for 2009...

Get my medical back

Get my IR
Get my IR - FAILED

Well, there were extenuating circumstances. Something about prostate cancer, surgery, pulmonary embolism, recovery... I haven't touched the yoke since July 8. So, goals for 2009...

Get my medical back

Get my IR

You're still here and got your medical so that you may fly again. If you ask me you exceeded expectations.
I only had one firm goal for 2008 specifically, and that was to at least solo a glider. Unless a miracle happens in the next week, that's a bust.

Kinda thought I'd be able to buy aplane this year, but it ain't gonna happen anytime soon.

I had some other aviation goals for this year that didn't pan out: didn't win the raffles for the C-140, the Ercoupe, or the Swift.

But I did meet some "anytime" aviation goals; many of tem significant "firsts":

-Got some stick time, including takeoffs and landings, in not one, but three C-140s.

-Flew with skis... in a 140, no less! Awesome.

-Got my first scary in-flight moment out of the way (fabric "problem" with one of said 140s). :D

-Flew, and landed, a J3.

-Flew, but did not land a WACO UPF-7.

-Got a little Citabria stick time (thanks again, Buzz!).

-Flew into Airventure (as a pax, but it's good enough), and camped by the plane.

-Saw some pilot friends at Airventure (thanks for the lemonade, Lady D!)

-Saw the Boeing 40.

-Flew and landed a "big" airplane (PA-32; same one I rode to Oshkosh).

-Got some stick time in an Aeronca L-4.

-Got some stick time in a Breezy (on a Breezy?).

-Got some more RV-4 stick time.

-Flew a really big airplane, for all of ten glorious minutes... Ford Tri-Motor.

-Got some Grumman Tiger stick time (thanks, Mike!).

-Figured out how to not spend much money but have a blast, fly at las once a week all summer, and hone my pilot chops by joining a glider club.

-Not a bad year, really.

2009? Well, top of the list, of course, is to bang out the PP-glider. Beyond that, acquiring an airplane would be nice, too... who knows? There are always raffles! :D
Wow Andrew, nice job! I bet there's not a lot of people on here who got 200 hours and aren't getting paid to fly. :yes:

Let's see here... yeah, I'm about 5 short of flying 200 hours this year. Darn. :D

Wait a minute... Did you not have the T182 at the beginning of 2008? Or did you buy another airplane? :dunno:

That's what I was wondering! I remember the post about test flying a Malibu, but I didn't see anything about purchasing one! Details!

It sounds like overall people did things fairly similar to me - put in a bunch of goals, and achieved a more than reasonable number of them. Let me see here for me:

1) Finish my PPL ASEL PASSED on March 22nd
2) Buy a plane FAILED but this one is just barely a failed... hoping to take delivery within a week
3) Get my AMEL FAILED but not for lack of trying. The opportunities that were promised to arise did not, but it will end up being for the best since I wouldn't have had any opportunity to get MEL time, so I'm not heartbroken on this one.
4) Fly to Gastons FAILED but tried! No instrument rating, although that would not have been a guarantee (and would have been difficult to get within 2 months of finishing my PPL)
5) Start on my IR (finish if possible) PASSED with and then some. IR check ride passed August 9th - just over 4 months after passing my private
6) Make a summer trip flying my plane to California and back while making stops along the way to visit people (hopefully with a new copilot). This will require at minimum 1 and 2 (or else 1 and get permission for taking the club plane for a few weeks...) FAILED this one was too aggressive, mainly due to vacation schedule (or lack thereof), nevermind that I failed at buying the plane. :)
7) While in California, take my friend flying who told me the other day she always wanted to be a pilot, but has never been in a GA aircraft. Let her taste flight and get her hooked FAILED since the trip was never made, but she definitely wants to go flying with me sometime
8) Expose new people to flying, and encourage people to get their PPL (already doing that second bit) PASSED I've given first rides to probably about 10 people, and was featured in the TV story at 6Y9 this year, which seemed to be a very positive for GA

What wasn't on here was meeting all the PoA people I did (and am ever so glad to have met), getting my complex and high performance endorsements, going to Osh, going to Tony's graduation party, participating in Animal Rescue Flights and a number of other things that I can't remember now. It was definitely a successful year.

So let's see, aviation goals for 2009:

1) Buy/take delivery on my plane
2) Get CP-AMEL
3) Get CP-ASEL
4) Get CFI
5) Get CFII
6) Get MEI
7) Fly plane to as many PoA fly-ins as possible
8) Continue working with Animal Rescue Flights (and hopefully get others to participate)
9) Get started working with Angel Flight

More aggressive goals, we'll see how these work out. :)
Well, here's mine. :)

* Fly low and slow to California in the Citabria and visit Joe Areeda and Stephen Gray to name a few. Made it to Marfa and had to come home because of the tornado. Joe Areeda made it here, so at least I still got to spend time with Joe and Viveca. :)

* Write a book about my grass strip tour. Still working on it. Had to decide who I was writing it for, and what to include in it. Then I got busy with all the other things this year and lost momentum. Starting next week I'm seriously back to working on it.

* Take at least 20 Young Eagles flying. Yep.

* Spend a weekend at Gaston’s in June flying and visiting with my aviatin' friends. Yep, and it was great. Went back there in Oct. and that was fun too. :yes:

* Spend 10 days at OSH, camping under the Citabria wing. Whew...what a trip! :D

* Be a mentor to at least 5 pilots. Yep, but some of them were not necessarily AOPA mentees. AOPA had problems and had to discontinue the way they allowed people to connect on their site.

* Compete in at least one aerobatic competition. Nope. Maybe in 2009 if I can get some help first.

* Learn to fly at least one new and different airplane. Didn't have the chance to do that. We have a 182 available to us and I'm going to get checked out in that one soon, hopefully.

* Maybe work on getting my CFI. I decided to hold off on that one.
Don't scare my passengers PASS

No incidents, accidents, violations PASS

Fly over, around, between, never through PASS

Log 1,200 TT FAIL


Make it to 6Y9 FAIL

Make it to OSH FAIL

Have fun flying PASS
Instead of *pass* and *fail* can we just get an *incomplete* or *changed my mind* ? :)
Accomplish flight review PASS
Accomplish extraordinarily detailed IPC FAIL (didn't get around to it)
Accomplish somewhat-extensive refit on the 170 PASS if they finish it up before Thursday :rolleyes: