T-Hangar neighbor. WWYD?

What's the point of having a hangar if you keep it empty?

It's a perfect place for supplies, tools, preheater, some refreshments, and various other things.

Empty hangar? blech
What's the point of having a hangar if you keep it empty?

It's a perfect place for supplies, tools, preheater, some refreshments, and various other things.

Empty hangar? blech
My hangar's not truly empty, but it's also not full of gold and jewels that miscreants would flock to steal or mess with. "Empty" is really just shorthand for "not worth fiddling with" or "if it got fiddled with I wouldn't really care".

My mechanic is right next door and I have a key to his shop and permission to use his tools, so I don't have a need for such in my own hangar.

If someone wants to take the 25-year-old dorm fridge I keep water bottles in, or walks off with the old old beat-up fiberglass wheel pants I'll never get around to repairing, I'm really not concerned. I suppose I'd be a little annoyed if they took the case of oil I keep on hand, or the Rubbermaid bin where I keep fresh towels and cleaning supplies, or my Battery MInder, but there just isn't much risk of such shenanigans at my airport.

When my plane's in the hangar, it's not empty. When the hangar's not empty and I'm not there, the door is closed (and locked). When the plane's not in the hangar, it doesn't really matter to me or anyone else if the door's open or closed. YMMV.
What's the point of having a hangar if you keep it empty?

It's a perfect place for supplies, tools, preheater, some refreshments, and various other things.

Empty hangar? blech
Totally agree.
Mine is second home to me, lot's of comfort of home there.
Plus much is there to maintain my plane and keep it flying.
Love my hangar and my wife likes that I am there and not at home somedays. Works out well for us.
my hangar is currently empty and it blows

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Cool picture!
Your hanger looks like my hangar the first week I rented it except my plane was in the middle of the picture.
2 weeks later I started filling it with stuff. lol
My AP/IA mechanic put a workbench on wheels as a gift in my hangar before I even moved in, so that was the first thing moved into my hangar. Still use it today.
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On to plan B

As John Rambo said. “They drew first blood”


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Guy kiddie corner from me a few weeks ago who I've never seen before. Left his bi fold open while he ground ran with the cowl off right in front of my hangar. I'm an end unit and park in the grass next to the hangar. Where he was running I couldn't even park. Would have had to walk in front of the wing to unlock the hangar. 15 minute little yuk yuk.


On to plan B

As John Rambo said. “They drew first blood”
Oh damn I was hoping they were going to start closing it for you.
What is plan B?
I just landed at my airport, nobody is here at 7:30 at night
The school planes it seems are put away for the night.
The school planes are part of the deal and everyone is real polite and respectful taxing around at our small airport.
There is an open field across from our hangars, could be a hangar someday? Until then we enjoy using it for parking.
There is only 3 other hangar doors that my plane is blocking, so I leave it sit there sometimes for a bit. If they show up, I jump up and move it.
Quiet beautiful early spring evening here after a week of rain and low clouds and some snow thrown in.
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I’m in the PRC for three weeks. I will see how ticked off I am when I get home.
Didn’t read the whole thread. Do they lock their doors even?

Just open theier doors when their planes in there during spring? Maybe toss some seeds in there. One time cleaning out a nest from the engine will convince anyone to keep the birds out. Although they sound kinda douchey so maybe they will tolerate a bit of FOD fire in flight who knows..
I live on an airpark and don't have to put up with worrying about open or closed doors. What's this? Some visitor is parking right in front of my hangar door blocking it!!
So the OP disparages and insults his neighbors because they're in their 20's. And to be clear - he expressly stated he wouldn't have had an issue with his neighbor if they were in their 80's.

I point this out and disparage the OP for having an age related attitude. -> you're upset that I dismiss his thoughts due to age because he dismissed people's actions due to age... Man I love standards, but I think you've got me beat since you've got two of them! ;) :p
Actually the OP said it woud be different if the neighbor was an 80 year old guy that "couldn't close his door without help" (emphasis mine)

Very different scenario than what OP is encountering with what we can assume are 2 able bodied adults who refuse to close a door, plus helping someone who needs additional assistance to pursue their passion shows the OP is empathetic.