My plane turns 50


Final Approach
Jul 12, 2008
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I just turned 25 and now next month my plane turns 50. What should I do to celebrate? Buy the next upgrade? Go fly somewhere new/cool/fun? What's befitting of a Cessna that got a new lease on life?
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Mine is only 46 years young. As Greg said fly it and have fun
a flight to wichita perhaps?
I'll bet Cessna has a museum or go for a tour......
Buy the next upgrade?
This is my vote. Of course, coming from an addict.

Thanks for posting the about the new Whelen’s. I ordered the Pro’s. Should have a PIREP whenever I get her back from paint. Considering I have the original cheap bulbs, should be a big upgrade.
She might be filling a little depressed, so get her a cheery gift and take her somewhere fun.
Upgrade something. I've got two radios, two antennas, an OAT sensor for my G5 and a clock with two 3amp USB charging outlets all waiting to be installed. If I could just find time to do it.
I just turned 25 and now next month my plane turns 50...

Nice to see at least some kids these days still respect their elders. :D

What should I do to celebrate? Buy the next upgrade? Go fly somewhere new/cool/fun? What's befitting of a Cessna that got a new lease on life?

Answer (d): All of the above.

Seriously, throw the camping gear in back, be polite and hold the door open so @Mtns2SkiesBetterHalf can enter the RF seat, climb in the other side and fly away for a week long adventure somewhere warmer than Wisconsin in February. That's what its for! :cool:
Gonna be hard to do in winter, but clean and detail the heck out of it! Make it all clean and shiny and new-feeling.
THEN do the upgrade, make the long flight, and generally enjoy the heck out of it.
Oh - but you're getting older, too. Make sure you stretch before the hard work!
Fly 50 miles?
...On a heading of 050?
Log 50 hours?
Spend 50 dollars? <---- hahahaha, that's crazy, who heard of spending so little...?!
Fly 50 miles?
...On a heading of 050?
Log 50 hours?
Spend 50 dollars? <---- hahahaha, that's crazy, who heard of spending so little...?!

Just a unit error. You probably meant “Spend 50 AMUs.”

My airplane is slightly younger than I. So I expect it to throw me a party and bathe me, since those are the popular options for your airplane. LOL.
My aircraft's a toddler, but I qualify for the senior rate at my favorite golf course. :)
I'm feeling kind of "old" at 72, but my Cub is a year older than I am. My C206 is 45 years old, and I've owned it since it was 10 years old. ;)
I'm feeling kind of "old" at 72, but my Cub is a year older than I am. My C206 is 45 years old, and I've owned it since it was 10 years old. ;)
Now THAT's a nice hangar! :thumbsup:
Mine turned 60 in Aug 2018. I planned to throw a big party at the hangar, have a band, cater food, book a big block of rooms at the hotel around the corner and invite everyone here and other friends.

but then the girl I was dating, Lisa's, older sister passed away (ALS) and I accompanied her to Fort Wayne.

oh well.

so, you should pick up where I left off!

party time!
Get laid.

Oh.. and since your plane turned 50, it may have a midlife crisis and start wanting to go to bars.

If so, I suggest larger tires.
It will want to buy a Corvette, but nothing later than a C7.
My plane turns 70 this year too. Where do you find the month?

I have the records from the FAA with the date of manufacture.

This was amusing because I was looking at a pen show to find a Parker 51 pen in the same color as my plane that was built at the same time. Parker marks the pens with the last digit of the year and some marks that are struck off the mold every quarter, so you can identify the pen within three months. After explaining to a few people how to date the P-51s, I had three or four people helping me search the various vendors at a pen show.
If you didn't find one, you could always get a custom pen from Pen Island.
Give the plane a good wash and wax then go fly to an air museum or two.
I have the records from the FAA with the date of manufacture.

This was amusing because I was looking at a pen show to find a Parker 51 pen in the same color as my plane that was built at the same time. Parker marks the pens with the last digit of the year and some marks that are struck off the mold every quarter, so you can identify the pen within three months. After explaining to a few people how to date the P-51s, I had three or four people helping me search the various vendors at a pen show.

Cool, another fountain pen guy! I have a couple of Parker 51s, several 21s, and a 45, plus a couple of old Esterbrooks I’ve refurbed. Also several nice modern pens: Mont Blancs, Auroras, a couple of Cross Townsends,...

Of course what you really need is a 51 Flighter from the same year as your plane.
I just turned 25 and now next month my plane turns 50. What should I do to celebrate? Buy the next upgrade? Go fly somewhere new/cool/fun? What's befitting of a Cessna that got a new lease on life?

That's too old for you to be flying around. You should probably give it to someone older, someone who can really appreciate it.

You know, someone like ME :rolleyes:
Nice young plane. Mine turned 50 a few years back. Now fly it like you stole it.
Pen shows are a thing? The stuff you learn on PoA. :)

Talking about pens just reminds me of one of the funniest domain names ever...

There was a company that sold pens called Pen Island.

You run those two words together and add .com ...

Unfortunately the company went under and a domain parking company owns it now.

Quite a few content blockers didn’t let you peruse their pen collection. I wonder why. LOL.