What privacy? (Story #2)


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 22, 2005
DC Suburbs
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Bill S.
So, Fitbit wearers, what do you think Google is going to do with your data???

Reports are that Google paid double what Facebook offered for the company.... Wonder why...

It's no new news that Strava has been exploited by the Taliban to pinpoint troop locations in the Middle East.
It's no new news that Strava has been exploited by the Taliban to pinpoint troop locations in the Middle East.

When they come for me those fu#$&rs better bring their whole peloton full of domestiques and stomp them pedals, cause I’m off the front and it’s a loooong climb, boys... ;)
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I assume sell ad space on my fit bit?
Counting my steps, oh no...eek

Know where I walked...double eek.

Actually who cares?
The government tracks all of us 24/7 so does it matter if someone else does.
Cameras are everywhere, privacy doesn't exist anymore, and to make damn sure they know where I fly they want me to file a flight plan, and turn my transponder on.
Counting my steps, oh no...eek

Know where I walked...double eek.

Actually who cares?
The government tracks all of us 24/7 so does it matter if someone else does.
Cameras are everywhere, privacy doesn't exist anymore, and to make damn sure they know where I fly they want me to file a flight plan, and turn my transponder on.

If you walked up to a stranger, or even an acquaintance, and said, "From now on, I'm going to track and record your location, spending habits and purchases as well as every financial transaction, email and other electronic correspondence, and many other activities 24/7. I may or may not actually use this data, but it will always be accessible to me," how would you expect them to react? Why should we allow our government, Google, Apple, or any other entity to do that to us? By definition, it creates two classes... the Observed and the Observers. Guess which will eventually, if not currently, hold(s) power over the other against their will?
Counting my steps, oh no...eek

Know where I walked...double eek.

Actually who cares?
The government tracks all of us 24/7 so does it matter if someone else does.
Cameras are everywhere, privacy doesn't exist anymore, and to make damn sure they know where I fly they want me to file a flight plan, and turn my transponder on.

It’s not too hard to go do things without being tracked, but it’s getting harder, and the defeatist attitude compounds it.
Actually think the FAA considers it a hazardous attitude “resignation”
For one of my relatives, to detect atrial fibrillation.

I can understand if your relative was being monitored by a doctor using a fitbit but it concerns me that people are using these devices as a substitute for professional healthcare.
I can understand if your relative was being monitored by a doctor using a fitbit but it concerns me that people are using these devices as a substitute for professional healthcare.

I have a bad habit of getting lost in my work and hours and hours going by. This thing vibrates every hour and tells me to get off my ass. Then I will go take a couple of laps around the building.
I just expect to be monitored in everything I do. If someone were to follow me around, read my emails and texts, listen to my phone calls...they would be the one in danger...hi risk of death from boredom. If i was some double agent secret spy, then it would concern me I guess.
I just expect to be monitored in everything I do. If someone were to follow me around, read my emails and texts, listen to my phone calls...they would be the one in danger...hi risk of death from boredom. If i was some double agent secret spy, then it would concern me I guess.
If ALL of us had equal access to all of this gathered personal data, I'd have an easier time understanding the acceptance of allowing constant surveillance.. I guess...although I'd still dislike it. At least we would all be treated equally. The crux of the matter, even putting aside the invasion of privacy issues, is that as a society we seem to be accepting the existence of an "elite" class of people permitted to observe and gather information on the individuals that make up the general populace without their permission or with their forced or unexpressly stated permission. The idea that some people with superiority complexes or hyperegos view me and my daily activities as data points for their own profit, gain, and research sickens me.
I just expect to be monitored in everything I do. If someone were to follow me around, read my emails and texts, listen to my phone calls...they would be the one in danger...hi risk of death from boredom. If i was some double agent secret spy, then it would concern me I guess.
Yeah, frankly I just don't give a ****. I use a VPN and am somewhat careful about covering my tracks online, I (mostly) use duckduckgo, and I quit facebook, but other than that, whatevs.
Owning a cell phone, which can be tracked easily, is a bad idea for people who really want privacy.
There have been times where I've been a bit short of my step goal for the day, and I get out of bed and do some laps around my house. It's kind of silly, but it's more exercise than I would have gotten otherwise. Every little bit helps.
"You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it."

Scott McNealy, CEO Sun Microsystems (1999)

It's a moot point to give up Facebook, Twitter, Google, LinkedIn, Instagram, cellphones, credit cards, Amazon, Netflix, Hulu, etc.,.... cause I ain't giving up porn, so they already know enough about me. ;)
Owning a cell phone, which can be tracked easily, is a bad idea for people who really want privacy.

How’s that?

I know what it does. And frankly if I wanted I could go stick it in my girls purse and have it tracked all over the mall while I go fly for a 100 burger.
"You have zero privacy anyway. Get over it."

Scott McNealy, CEO Sun Microsystems (1999)


I remember that, and the flack he took for saying it. I thought he had done the world a tremendous favor by saying it so loudly. Ironically, no one cared.
I have a bad habit of getting lost in my work and hours and hours going by. This thing vibrates every hour and tells me to get off my ass. Then I will go take a couple of laps around the building.
In my case it vibrates every hour to remind me I need to figure out how to retire early so I won't be so deeply immersed in working that I can't get off my ass and go walk around the house for a few minutes.
If you walked up to a stranger, or even an acquaintance, and said, "From now on, I'm going to track and record your location, spending habits and purchases as well as every financial transaction, email and other electronic correspondence, and many other activities 24/7.

I liked it better when only God saw everything I did. ;)
I have a bad habit of getting lost in my work and hours and hours going by. This thing vibrates every hour and tells me to get off my ass. Then I will go take a couple of laps around the building.

My new squeeze bought one for me back in June. I love that "get off your butt" feature and also love the competition we set up between the two of us. Every Tuesday we get an email comparing stats from the previous week. It's fun and quite motivating. I've lost over 15#...maybe closer to 20 (roughly 208 to 190), my resting heart rate is down from 70 to 62, my cardio fitness score is 46, and I've topped 30k steps three times on days with LOTS of hiking. I've always been in relatively decent shape...but I've gotten into much better shape in the last 5 months.

just speculating here...

...I suspect those who say "I don't know why anyone would buy a Fitbit" are of the same mentality as those, who in previous threads, argued with Dr. Bruce asserting that "BMI is a crock of sh**" when they were clinically obese.

BTW, the only thing Fitbit has of mine is a junk email account and a birthday that I entered incorrectly on purpose...I'm about 18 months younger than actual in their database. What issue should I have with them tracking an unknown entity?
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My new squeeze bought one for me back in June. I love that "get off your butt" feature and also love the competition we set up between the two of us. Every Tuesday we get an email comparing stats from the previous week. It's fun and quite motivating. I've lost over 15#...maybe closer to 20 (roughly 208 to 190), my resting heart rate is down from 70 to 62, my cardio fitness score is 46, and I've topped 30k steps three times on days with LOTS of hiking. I've always been in relatively decent shape...but I've gotten into much better shape in the last 5 months.

just speculating here...

...I suspect those who say "I don't know why anyone would buy a Fitbit" are of the same mentality as those, who in previous threads, argued with Dr. Bruce asserting that "BMI is a crock of sh**" when they were clinically obese.
Girlfriend and I do not have them, she is 5'7 tall and weighs between 114 or 115 lbs, I am 6'1 and weigh 182 or 183 depending on the day. So despite us both being taller than average for our sex, I sure do not think either of us needs to lose a pound.
...I suspect those who say "I don't know why anyone would buy a Fitbit" are of the same mentality as those, who in previous threads, argued with Dr. Bruce asserting that "BMI is a crock of sh**" when they were clinically obese.

Soooo... folks who aren't interested in the fitbit or don't wish to potentially lose some privacy, or just don't see the need for a gadget for motivation (maybe are just motivated by common sense?) are mentally deficient in some way or are somehow denying research, and maybe clinically obese? That's quite a leap of logic. It's fine to like them. I'm in good shape, very active, and mostly stay in shape by doing work, and occasional exercise sessions when I don't have enough physical labor on my plate. No gadgets required, nor any interest in them in the slightest...and recognize the validity of shooting for a healthy BMI, but don't have the need or desire to "share" or compete w/ my "main squeeze." Pretty strange statement you made. Maybe I misunderstood?

My motivation for staying in shape is the good things that come from it and the desire to remain able to care for my family for a long time...to get the most out of life. Don't need to boast to or compare with others about what I did on a given day, or even track it for personal gratification. If I feel a little heavier or lethargic than I'd like, I eat less and move more. Pretty simple.
The license plate recognition and facial recognition will add to existing data to know exactly where you are, what you are doing at any moment
When i see a camera I look up and smile at it...hopefully if someone is watching it helps make their day to get a smile.
So did John in the book of Revelations
Do you have a specific verse number? (I'm not challenging you; I just think it would be interesting to read it.)
and mostly stay in shape by doing work,...
I'm with you on that. That's what property and/or farms are good for. I typically keep about a cord of firewood back, unsplit, in the fall. Love splitting it when it's 10...20 degrees outside...manually, with a splitting maul. Oak just explodes when splitting when it's frozen...barring knots. It's fun.

Back when I worked at FedEx and lived in Harrison, AR, I had a house in a subdivision with 3 to 4 acre lots. I used to laugh at the neighbors who'd sit their ass on a riding lawn mower for a couple of hours and then go to the gym. What a freakin' waste of time. I bought a 48" walk behind. High gear was as fast as you could walk and it'd still cut clean. I'd have mine mowed and trimmed in an hour or a bit more...and then no need for the gym...go flying instead!