Why post useless comments?


Final Approach
Nov 28, 2016
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When you have nothing useful to add in a particular aviation related discussion, why make useless posts that doesn’t add any value whatsoever in that discussion?

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All things considered, it's not bad here. Go to a Facebook aviation group and, OMG. FB just seems to invite useless comment.
Because it’s the internet and what else do we do online?

I could post some more crap about my medical garbage, or lament that there’s way too many black flies in my house and I want to purchase a flamethrower to take care of that...

Hmm. Maybe that would make a good thread. LOL. Best flamethrower for indoor flying insect control....
The only other board I frequent is heavily moderated. I actually really like that aspect. It makes it easier to find good information. It has no off-topic forum.

I think this is a pretty useless post.

No comment.
The only other board I frequent is heavily moderated. I actually really like that aspect. It makes it easier to find good information. It has no off-topic forum.

Honest comment about that...

There’s only been a handful of posts here in a decade or whatever that were aviation related and NEW content that wasn’t easily found in official documents somewhere.

The vast majority of questions on aviation boards can be answered with your POH, the airworthiness documentation of your aircraft, or an FAA publication.

It’s really about the human interaction, not the information.

And the airplane on a treadmill arguments. Those are critically important. :)
Honest comment about that...

There’s only been a handful of posts here in a decade or whatever that were aviation related and NEW content that wasn’t easily found in official documents somewhere.

The vast majority of questions on aviation boards can be answered with your POH, the airworthiness documentation of your aircraft, or an FAA publication.

It’s really about the human interaction, not the information.

And the airplane on a treadmill arguments. Those are critically important. :)
I can look up info as well as anyone, but it doesn't always answer the "why?" That's what a place like this can do.
I can look up info as well as anyone, but it doesn't always answer the "why?" That's what a place like this can do.

Agree. Sometimes.

We’ve all seen some quality entertainment when someone is completely wrong about the “why”, too. Ha.

Most of the really important Why stuff is still available in an FAA pub.

I bet if someone was really bored they could answer the majority of honest aviation questions here with a page number from an FAA pub.
Helps the post count? I dunno... sometimes it’s just fun to write mindless banter on a thread. :p
We’ve all seen some quality entertainment when someone is completely wrong about the “why”, too.
Sometimes the "why not" is both entertaining AND educational. As in "I screwed up, this is what happened, this is what I learned, don't be like me."
Because every idea is valid, every post is useful in some way to someone, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and sometimes it really hurts to get something out of your eye and it's best to just let it water awhile until it clears itself. There are no useless posts, just people without enough creativity and insight to perceive the depth of meaning inherent in every written word.......SQUIRREL!!!!!
Because every idea is valid...

Definitely not true. You’ve been hanging out with the chemtrail idiots again, haven’t you?

C’mon admit it. I know they’re fun at parties...

The Monkey once held a four hour long conversation with one while Bryan fed him drugs by the hot tub, and Bryan was multitasking building his CFI website even, complete with credit card processing features.

Or so I hear... :)

Maybe it was flat-earthers. I can’t remember. ;)
The Monkey once held a four hour long conversation with one while Bryan fed him drugs by the hot tub, and Bryan was multitasking building his CFI website even, complete with credit card processing features.
*sigh*, the monkey relay was epic. If PoA could ever rest on its laurels, this would be one of them.
Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children aee above average. Get those monkeys some typewriters....we've got infinite time and I loves me some Shakespeare....
I think it’s the online equivalent of the two guys discussing last Friday’s party on the CTAF...
This is my 2693rd post. I dare you to find a useful one in the bunch. :)
Just because you don't value me does not me that I value me...

Peanut butter cut hierarchy:
Trader Joe’s > Justin’s > Reese’s.