Bad day for someone...

Cap'n Jack

Final Approach
PoA Supporter
Jun 25, 2006
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Cap'n Jack
I went to Millard airport (KMLE) to do some practice and fly to Norfolk for lunch. I saw a large fire to one side of the runway, and short of the paved area.The police arrived just after me- I had the door code punched since I just arrived and let the police in so they could get the gate opened at the end of the airport- they were looking for FBO staff.

I've no idea what happened since I got there just after it occurred. I only know a plane was involved. It wasn't in line with the runway, and it was short of the displaced threshold.


I don’t know much - other than it’s not one of my schools airplanes. I heard a male was killed and a female was ejected from the airplane and seriously injured.

As a side note - how is their operation doing? Good place to refer our students/customers to? We are shutting things down this Thursday.
I don’t know much - other than it’s not one of my schools airplanes. I heard a male was killed and a female was ejected from the airplane and seriously injured.

As a side note - how is their operation doing? Good place to refer our students/customers to? We are shutting things down this Thursday.
Yes, I think their operation it is pretty good. However, you do set a high bar and some of the instructors aren't as good as you, but I've only flown with 2 of them.

Thanks for the additional information.
Ugh. I hate seeing this.

My condolences :(
Moving on to greener pastures?
Not how I make my living. Busier than ever with work.

Wasn’t the best idea to turn my stress reliever into a low margin stress creator. Especially when it distracts from the thing that puts food on the table. It doesn’t help that airport politics and the powers at be do everything possible to make operating difficult. Without their support we simply couldn’t scale. If I can’t scale a very low margin business...then it’s time to call it.

Good run though, made a lot of pilots, and not a scratch on an airplane.
Not how I make my living. Busier than ever with work.

Wasn’t the best idea to turn my stress reliever into a low margin stress creator. Especially when it distracts from the thing that puts food on the table. It doesn’t help that airport politics and the powers at be do everything possible to make operating difficult. Without their support we simply couldn’t scale. If I can’t scale a very low margin business...then it’s time to call it.

Good run though, made a lot of pilots, and not a scratch on an airplane.

Sounds like a good run, and yeah, it sucks that your fun side gig turned into a yet another stressor.
Sounds like a good run, and yeah, it sucks that your fun side gig turned into a yet another stressor.
That's generally how it goes. Never turn a hobby into a business. You'll end up minus one hobby, for one thing.
The people I know from Norfolk, NE pronounce it Nor-fork. The way it was explained to me, the town was founded on the banks of the North Fork of the Platte River. The residents applied for incorporation under the name North Fork. Some postal clerk in Washington D.C. incorrectly entered the city into the registry as Norfolk and that became the name of record. But locals pronounce it Nor-fork to this day.
C should be just one syllable. Locals divide the actual number of syllables in a word in half and then round down. See also Taliaffero ("Tawliver") and Williamsburg ("Billberg").

But you can definitely sort people by how they pronounce Norfolk:
A "Norfolk": Tourist, mostly needed to say it to figure out how to get from Colonial Williamsburg to Virginia Beach
B "Nor-fick": Moved there as an adult, doesn't want to sound like a tourist anymore but can't figure out which letters are silent in the local pronunciation
C "Nawfk": Tenth-generation local, family hasn't left the Commonwealth since grandpappy marched on Gettysburg, often says things like "you're not from 'round he-ah"
D "No-****": Enlist in the Navy, they said. You'll see the world, they said.
You just have to hear the local high school cheer to get it right:

We don't drink!
We don't smoke!
Norfolk, Norfolk, Norfolk!
When I lived there, it was more like norfick, with the accent on the "nor"
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