Really, Amazon?!?!?


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
so I bought aero wash wax all to, well, wash and wax and all my plane. stuff did a good job so I went to leave a review on amazon. got an email the next day that my review was rejected. In classic PoA form where you get zero explanation of a post deletion or ban and no way to simply say "wait, if you actually TELL me what (you think) I did wrong, maybe I can fix it", I was left baffled in trying to figure it out. I thought it was nothing but a positive review. so here's what I wrote, see if you can tell me why this would be rejected (I made one change and it got approved the second time which, when you see the change you will be as baffled as I am):

"I just ordered and used this product for the first time last weekend. Very impressed! I was a little nervous about doing a 'waterless wash' but the plane looks really good! If I had any complaint at all, it would be the size of the scrub brush. It's about half the size of a cigarette pack, kinda useless but otherwise, great product! Picture included with hangar and 500w halogen lights for added effect ;)"
Just a suggestion: stop being soooooo negative. Scrub brush useless? howzat? And you mentioned cigarettes. Advertising for cigarettes in a review is prohibited by Amazon's terms and conditions.
- the Onionpeel.
They want your endorsement, but lately if you say anything negative at all, it gets pulled.
I see plenty of negative reviews on Amazon.
You failed to praise the almighty Amazon in your review, thus it was “not worthy.” ;)
So what was the change, @eman1200 ?

By the way, I've been using Wash n Wax for 7-8 years. Love the stuff!

I'll give @Clark1961 HALF a cookie for pointing out cigarettes, but since he said ADVERTISING cigarettes, which I didn't do, in classic Mutombo form I'll SMACK that cookie out of his hands NO NO NO NOT IN MY HOUSE! I advertised no such thing.

BUT, when I posted the same review only this time changing the word 'cigarette' to 'cigs', it got approved. because that makes about as much sense as a Ted drunken Friday night PoA banhammer-fest.
I'll give @Clark1961 HALF a cookie for pointing out cigarettes, but since he said ADVERTISING cigarettes, which I didn't do, in classic Mutombo form I'll SMACK that cookie out of his hands NO NO NO NOT IN MY HOUSE! I advertised no such thing.

BUT, when I posted the same review only this time changing the word 'cigarette' to 'cigs', it got approved. because that makes about as much sense as a Ted drunken Friday night PoA banhammer-fest.
You have failed to grasp the amazon review speak. If the review uses the word cigarette then it is advertising cigarettes. QED
I suspect it was "500w" that did your review in. They don't like mentioning prices, and anything numeric may be interpreted as such. Just a thought. Just to see who's right, you could re-post it without the digits (just say "bright lights") and leave the size comparison as-is, see if ti gets rejected again.
I was going to mention the anit-tobacco world but I got beat.

On a separate note, I've used the wash/wax all (and the belly stuff/leather stuff/prop spinner stuff) line for the last year and I love that stuff. Works great. I usually get it from Spruce but I'll check Amazon next time to see if it's cheaper.
I thought for sure that they approved it after you removed the picture of your airplane. :)

Yeah probably was the picture that did him in. They fly Bonanzas at Amazon obviously, no use for Cherokees. ;)
Pic have your tail number in it?
Instead of "half the size of a cigarette pack" you should have said, "about the size of 4-5 joints lined up side by side."

But the variance in the width of joints would be too great to make for a viable standard unit of measure.
Pretty sure Clark got it. The automatic cigarette nanny software axed it.

Yep. Reviews for e-cig batteries are also rejected if the user mentions that they use them in an e-cig. The listings can't mention e-cigs either. I also had a review rejected once because it compared the taste of something I'd bought to tobacco.

Negative reviews are allowed. I've written a few. But if you try to give something one or two stars, Amazon momentarily stops you to offer advice on how to return the item. Whether you choose to do so or not, you're allowed to post the bad review.

Not to defend Amazon, but when they censored my review I got an explanation. First off, anything that has to do with the seller and you leave in the PRODUCT review is going to get removed. There's a different SELLER feedback for that. Further, griping about the seller when Amazon Fulfilment screws up also gets deleted. What you should do is complain and get a refund which they have always done for me.
Instead of "half the size of a cigarette pack" you should have said, "about the size of 4-5 joints lined up side by side."

Or one of these!

^^^^ lol! That movie was hilarious. I'm pretty sure the license plate on the car was MUF DVR. :p
I assumed it was because you weren't wearing any clothes when you took the photo of the plane and, because it was so clean, you were visible in the reflection.
I assumed it was because you weren't wearing any clothes when you took the photo of the plane and, because it was so clean, you were visible in the reflection.

safe assumption