Oshkosh Photo Shoots


Oct 28, 2014
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Jack Fleetwood
Well, I think most of you know I got an awesome opportunity this year when the EAA invited me to be a photographer at Oshkosh. I got to meet a lot of people and a lot of planes! It was a blast and when I was headed that way, I was wondering what I had got myself into. Camping for a week, eating bad food (good food, bad for me), walking a lot of miles each day, standing out in the sun, etc. Turned out a week wasn't quite enough.

Many thanks to the whole EAA team, but especially to Erin Brueggen, who was our leader. She organized a group of misfit photographers, answered questions from the newbie and kept me on track. I found out this week that she has resigned to follow her dreams in the photography world. The EAA will miss her, and we will too. I'll always be thankful I got to go when she was still there.

One of the agreements I had with the EAA is that I couldn't share these photos online until they published them. Well, that happened today! I thought it would take months.



Really, really awesome as always. Thanks!
Any change you did you do the TBone photo flight?
Any change you did you do the TBone photo flight?
No, I didn't get that assignment. I think there were 5 of them though, and I did the ground photos for 3. I'm not sure when they're releasing the article though.
No, I didn't get that assignment. I think there were 5 of them though, and I did the ground photos for 3. I'm not sure when they're releasing the article though.

One of them is mine (the Blue/White one), and I was one of the two that did the photo flight. We haven't heard a peep about an article or photos.
One of them is mine (the Blue/White one), and I was one of the two that did the photo flight. We haven't heard a peep about an article or photos.
Unfortunately my primary contact at the EAA just resigned, so I'm not sure if I can find out anything. I did a lot of shoots for articles, but haven't seen any of them yet.

In the line of 5, where were you in relation to the runway? I think I shot the three closes to the runway.
Unfortunately my primary contact at the EAA just resigned, so I'm not sure if I can find out anything. I did a lot of shoots for articles, but haven't seen any of them yet.

In the line of 5, where were you in relation to the runway? I think I shot the three closes to the runway.

I would have been 3rd from the runway.
I would have been 3rd from the runway.
I will see if I have the ground photos if you want them. You can show them to anyone you want, but just can't put them on the internet until the article appears.
Someone asked me how I shot these photos. In the case of the EAA photos, I was in the EAA's Cessna 210. It's setup for photography and is a very nice platform. It's an older 210 and has the large baggage door, which they remove. They also cut out the windows on either side and make the plexiglass flip up so I can move from side to side. If you look closely at the window in front of the open baggage door, you'll see hinges at the top. And yes, it's fun to fly hanging out of that door!

Here are couple of air-to-ground shots I took from the 210.


If you want to see the photos of mine that the EAA has published so far, you can click here.

To see all of the photos they've posted, and there is some amazing work from some amazing photographers, click here.