Sac's mute TV show review double header - Now Eat This and Sinner

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA
Okay, another round of random TV viewings watched but not heard and the gym, and not even in their entirety. Sac attempts to critically review serial cinematic works based on limited information.

Now Eat This

It's not so much the content of this Food Network show featuring Rocco Dispirito as he invades normal family homes and dictates their menu on recorded video much in the same way Mussolini treated the Greeks (minus most of the bloodshed) but rather, how did the show come to be? Who thought such a premise would be entertaining? I do not find the show entertaining, and I'm sorry but baby back ribs made in the oven moves him down a couple notches on the expert scale in my mind.

February 28, 1994

"You're a poo poo head, Rocco."
"How can I be one if you are Jimmy."
"Nya nya nya poo poo head!"
"Now eat this!"
"Miss Woods! Miss Woods! Rocco made Jimmy eat a bug!"

November 2, 2009

"Hey guys, I'm going to cook us up a meal on the hot plate. We got some leftover Spam and some soy sauce in fridge."
"Right on, Rocco dude. It sucks man that you flunked out of the Communication Studies program."
"Yeah I got some other ideas. Maybe chef school. Mmm. This is coming together sawwweeet. Smell dat aroma."
"I've got the munchies man."
"Okay dudes, it's ready. Now eat this."

May 14, 2016

The silver Jaguar pulled up in to the peaceful upstate New York sanitarium. It was peaceful. Why the British call it a Jagular is anyone's guess but they do. The Ion Television network producer glanced down at his iWatch and checked for messages. And then he unlocked his iPhone and checked the time. "Wait here" He said to the driver. "I need to go pay a visit to someone."

The silver gray haired woman in the wheelchair smiled as her son dressed in the sharp Italian designer suit approached her. "Magnus. It's so good to see you dear."

"How's it been mom? My lawyers are busy working on getting you released from here."

"Oh actually it has been marvelous since Rocco over there has been cooking for us!"

The busy network executive looked over that the youngish looking man that looked and sounded like he grew up in the Bronx as he deftly diced a tomato on a card table next to a small charcoal grill with various meats and vegetables layed out in perfect order. A small crowd was present. They looked enthralled. Then he spoke the words. Now eat this. His jaw dropped. A flash of inspiration came over him. "Excuse me mom, I need to make a phone call."

"Liebowitz speaking."

"Yeah this is Magnus. Look I need you to redirect your efforts to get mom released, I need to get someone else sprung. Priority red number one."

"On it."

Then history was made.

The Sinner

I don't know what the premise of this show is, but it is a miniseries about some crazy woman that is locked up in the klink for doing something crazy. Whatever crazy thing she did is sort of a moot point now as it's over. She's in the klink. The series frankly ended at whatever crazy thing she did to get in the klink.

Throughout the whole episode, the cops and psychiatrists are arguing, no, they aren't arguing, they are agreeing on how nutso this lady is. There is a term for that. They are mutually enabling each other. That's pretty much the only thing that happens on this show. At least that was the only thing that happened on this episode. It ranks right up their with Suits. With no audible cues, nothing can be placed in context.

One thing bothered me the whole while as I watched the episode. Who is taking care of the cats locked up in the basement?
@Sac Arrow - I think I've enjoyed the Cliff's notes more than I would have enjoyed suffering through those shows. Thanks for taking one (actually 4) for the team!
Kids, don't do drugs. That is the lesson from Sac today. There was a time when Sac showed great promise. Now he just fantasizes about being locked in a basement with cats or in a mental hospital with a gay chef. I just don't know which is worse.

League management needs to step in at this point in order to protect all organizations. This isn't about the individual, it's about the league now.
I had the tv on mute when the promo for The Sinner came on.

Woman goes nutso, stabs some guy on some beach and then something fills out weeks of time somehow.

Glad it was muted and thanks to Sac Arrow for revealing what filled out the weeks.
