How to unlock a door?


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Let's say you have a daughter.
Let's say the former owners of your house had this one room that locks from the inside.
Let's say you have always wondered why and also thought it was dumb.

Suppose in spite of your annoyance of this fact, you are just lazy enough for the solution to be just hang the key on the outside of the door rather than replacing it.

Now in 6 years, this will bite you in the ass. Today is 6 years by the way.

So your daughter who is much taller now can reach the key, does and decides the safest place for the key is in her bedroom. Good thinking, Keep that key safe.

Lets assume today is the day she manages to accidentally lock her room door.
So you have a new puppy so you close all your doors as to prevent things getting chewed.

Now this daughter shuts her door like a champ.

You see her in the hallway and say "We gotta go, where are your shoes?"
She responds "They are in my room. I will get the... Oops Daddy!"

Ya buy shoes and socks from Walmart on the way to take her to camp but you still have this one problem.

You are probably not following what I am getting at. Here is a little sketch I made to help you understand the issue better:


Do I pretty much have to call a locksmith?
How can I get the door open without a saw?
Where are the socks in the drawing? Maybe the drawing is defective,
Deadbolt or regular door knob? If regular door knob, use a thin card like a playing card and work it against the sloped portion of the bolt, should be able to get in with some finesse.

I broke back into my own house like that one day when the knob was locked and deadbolt wasn't, and the knob key was inside.
Learn how to pick a lock. It can be a lucrative skill.
Im opening it with a credit card/drivers license and going about my day. Also, you can turn that lock set around in about 90 seconds with a Phillips head screwdriver.
Usually interior doors have little holes in the knob to effect an opening with a small device that looks like a sardine can opener. You should be able to fudge it with a small long screwdriver.
You're not in near as much trouble as you'd been if you left the toilet seat up.
Im opening it with a credit card/drivers license and going about my day. Also, you can turn that lock set around in about 90 seconds with a Phillips head screwdriver.

WTF? Credit card/drivers license?? Screw that! He can finally put that pilot certificate to good use.
What side of the door are the hinges on? Sometimes on inside doors there are small holes you can stick a screwdriver or other in to release the lock. Otherwise try picking it lots of videos on Youtube. Put a sign on the door calling it a time capsule to be opened on your daughters 18th birthday.

Usually interior doors have little holes in the knob to effect an opening with a small device that looks like a sardine can opener. You should be able to fudge it with a small long screwdriver.

Not the ones with keys as far as I've seen.
This is a key lock.
It doesn't have the little pin hole that typical interior doors have.

Hinges are on the other side.
I will try a driver's lic. but the door opens in to the room so there is a 90 degree bend on the side we are on.
1. Head over to the hardware store and buy a new door knob with no lock
2. Take a Tire iron or wrecking bar on the door jamb closest to the door knob. If careful, comes off in one piece so you can nail it back to the frame.
3. Replace the door knob
4. Replace the door jamb.
Shoot the lock and kick in the door.

(I apparently watch too many cop shows)
1. Head over to the hardware store and buy a new door knob with no lock
2. Take a Tire iron or wrecking bar on the door jamb closest to the door knob. If careful, comes off in one piece so you can nail it back to the frame.
3. Replace the door knob
4. Replace the door jamb.

This sounds like the most fun option.
This sounds like the most fun option.
If you can't get to the hinges, and there's no window, removing the door really is the only option.

No, wait.

1. Go to the hardware store and buy a new door and door knob without a lock.
2. Take a drill, drill a hole into the door near the lock.
3. With a jig saw, saw completely around the door lock. The knob and lock will fall out, and so will the everything else,
4. Replace the od door with the one you just bought.
Bump key pick seems easy, but the video I found about it is Super Annoying. Watch at your own risk.

Fly a Grumman into it?
Are the screws that hold the inside and outside knob together on the inside of the door or outside where you can get to them? If so just unscrew the two screws and pull the knobs out. Second choice would be lock smith. Third would be to punch a hole through the sheetrock where you can reach the knob. Repairing sheetrock is cheap and easy compared to rebuilding a door jamb.
Could drill the cylinder. Chances are that it is a relatively soft metal.
Borrow a bang-bang tool and pull out the cylinder. Or just drill it out.
Aw man, just call a locksmith when your daughter gets home from camp. Have her there acting all cute and sorry for her transgression and I'll bet said locksmith gives you a better deal than buying a new door, new lock, sheet rock repair, etc.
Oh and don't forget to make a cirrus related video about this...
Drill it out.

Call a locksmith.

Use one of these:


cut a hole in the wall and reach through.

Or drill it out or call a locksmith.

Or get a lock pick kit.

My buddy has one of these things, and it actually works pretty well. We used it to unlock a desk that a previous employee locked before he left.

Most key cylinders are brass, so soft. Drilling it will be the cheapest solution and likely what a locksmith will do. Go to Home Depot and but a replacement privacy lock for about $25 to replace the keyed lock you're destroying. That's way cheaper than replacing the door.
He'll have plenty of opportunity to do that once the daughter starts inviting boys over. :)