EDM 830 vs Insight G4


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Jul 5, 2013
Northern NV
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Title says it all. I need to upgrade my Insight GEM610 and looking at these. I am leaning toward the G4 since it fits in a standard instrument slot and I have one open to the left of my turn coordinater. I don't think the JPI will fit there.... so the JPI might involve redesigning my panel.
I'm in the same boat, but I've been eyeing the EI primary replacement with GPS tied to fuel flow, can all my crappy Cessna engine instruments, sell my JPI, and shed a little weight, power drain, and eyeball scan.



For the 185? Are the sub-instrument panels removable? If so It would be super easy to cut new ones.

Here's an example of what I mean:

Yeah the 185

I think so, it's the factory style panel, outside from the EI, I'm just looking to remove stuff, all the expensive things are already there, just like to remove the extra junk (cd player, Hobbs, analog CHT, analog engine and fuel gauges) and clean it up, still debating keeping the factory plastic overlay style, or just doing a newer flat style panel.
+1 for flat style. I personally hate the cessna plastic overlays
E.I. CGR-30P is the newest & best IMHO, and their service/warranty department is about the friendliest ever! Great people that don't rip you off...