Starting my new CFI job this week


Touchdown! Greaser!
Sep 9, 2013
Long Island, NY
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As many of you know, I recently passed my Initial CFI-A checkride. The school I train at offered me a job which I gladly accepted. I also worked at another flight school doing office work and they offered me a job as well. I chose to work at the school I trained at because of their large customer and student base. The school I work for is equally as busy but does a lot of introductory flights (advertised on Groupon, Living Social, etc) but does not have a lot of students. Even though the ultimate goal is to make it to the airlines, I still see instructing as a valuable experience, something I could learn a lot from, and I want to get a lot out of it. I don't see myself learning a lot from intro flights as I would from students so that's the main reason I decided to leave. It's going to be slow in the beginning at the new school but I know I just have to show my face at the flight school 8am-6pm, smile, and give everyone a handshake so I can build my student base. I did about 25 hours of intro flights and flew a few hours with some actual students at the school I work for. I really enjoyed teaching the actual students and I still found myself learning while teaching for about 2 weeks working only part time because I'm still in school. I'm looking forward to this next step in my career!
Yeah, stick to the school with students, not just airplane rides.
Being at the airport will open opportunities for more flying. Get your hours. The airlines are desperate for qualified candidates. Get as much cross country time as you can.
If I weren't so darned tight I would spend the money to be the first student of a new born CFI.
It would be a hoot.
That would make a pretty good script for a movie (I freely give it away)

lets see, you want me to do a turn just like you did, OK here we go wheeeeee, oh you didn't want a complete roll, well darn that's how they do it in Top Gun

Then landing on the upwind wheel and keeping it there
jeez, I figured I would start with the easy stuff first like one wheel then work up from there :D
Being at the airport will open opportunities for more flying. Get your hours. The airlines are desperate for qualified candidates. Get as much cross country time as you can.

As they always will be with the crap pay and QOL they offer.

But the x/c time in important, remember if you fly over a VOR or airport that counts as a cross country for the ATP, remember that and use it with students when appropriate.
Being at the airport will open opportunities for more flying. Get your hours. The airlines are desperate for qualified candidates. Get as much cross country time as you can.
Yea. I already have the instrument time. I just need the multi, night, and xc time.
As they always will be with the crap pay and QOL they offer.

But the x/c time in important, remember if you fly over a VOR or airport that counts as a cross country for the ATP, remember that and use it with students when appropriate.
I'm starting off 4 days a week and when graduate in May I'll probably be there 7 days a week. You can count any flight over 50 miles as an XC for the purposes of obtaining the ATP IIRC?