Restroom Cleaning (Nested rant thread)

Sac Arrow

Touchdown! Greaser!
May 11, 2010
Charlotte, NC
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Snorting his way across the USA

So I was sitting at the table drinking my cup of coffee and reading the latest issue of the San Francisco Bay Guardian. For those unfamilar, it's an alternative Bay Area newspaper with a political bent that is, well, not something I identify with personally but it's always interesting to hear the other side plus the 420 and adult services ads are always very entertaining.

My Korean has really turned this place around. Well okay she's not my Korean, technically she's someone else's Korean. So I guess she's "The Korean." Anyway, the shelves are lined with all these fancy French confections, most of which I can't even spell let alone pronounce. I can't really call them donuts. This place doesn't have a single donut in it. They have lots of croissants. I can spell and pronounce those. And Strudels. That's German I guess. And those dark chocolate filled croissant things which would be good but the chocolate is actually kind of bitter. People that like them, really like them. Snob appeal I guess. But like the Korean, I can't touch any of that stuff. Now that said, I HAVE broke down and ate their egg, bacon and cheese bagel sandwiches a couple times. And paid for it too by the way. Those are REALLY good. As I headed towards the restroom with my free magazine proudly in hand (yeah I know, I'm advertising it's going to be a while, I'm not ashamed) something else occurs to me.

Nobody comes in any more to clean the restrooms.

Let me explain what I mean by that. I mean the restrooms are getting cleaned, there are no issues with that, but during the previous owner's regime, every morning, like clockwork, a large van would show up and a uniformed employee would get out and perform a contract toilet cleaning operation. She, or sometimes occasionally a he, would come in, placard the restrooms as closed for cleaning, scrub the toilets, spray some stuff on the urinal and throw one of those rubber odor disk things down there, and then leave. They didn't clean the sinks, they didn't mop the floor, they don't do mirrors. Nothing else. Maybe they put soap and paper in the dispensers. I'm not even sure they were the ones that did that.

That made.... zero sense to me. SOMEONE was doing the janitorial. Mopping the floors, cleaning the tables, cleaning the kitchen, and the bathroom countertops, floors, mirrors, everything EXCEPT the toilets. It seems to me that you are either contracting the janitorial, or you aren't. I mean we aren't talking about some sort of specialized industrial sanitation operation. We're talking about cleaning the toilets in the restroom. Not rows and rows of them. Just a total of three and one urinal for both restrooms. Well I'm assuming there are two toilets in the ladies room. There might be a urinal in there too. I mean we are in the Bay Area. I liken the operation to... a Keurig coffee maker. We got one three or four months ago. It's a vile, evil, wasteful machine. It encourages complacency. It decreases productivity. Well okay that part is probably not true. But no other food service operation I've observed does that. They are big enough that they have a dedicated janitorial staff. If they aren't, then the lowest ranking cashier girl or burger dude is in there cleaning them. I seent it myself.

I think baby woke up and smelled the coffee (the place is a coffee shop you know) and realized that a) I'm paying a small fortune to have a uniformed contractor perform approximately ten minutes of work, b) It gets done once a day, in the morning, and that's it, and c) if someone has an anal explosion, I'm cleaning it up myself anyway. Well not myself, but I'll probably send either the Latina expresso operator* or the Vietnamese baker to do it.


*Oh don't get me started. The term "Barista" is pretentious to the point of vulgarity. This place a) loathes Starbucks, and b) has a French Vietnamese motif. I think Barista is an Italian word. Oh and yes I know I misspelled "espresso". I did that intentional that time. Not because I dislike Italians or Italian culture, but denigrating this place with another Starbucks reference is more than I can tolerate.


I think.... I have invented a new form of editorial communication. The nested rant!! I wonder if there is a market for that?
I can help you.

A. Drink more decaf.

B. Get your coffee at home.

C. Ask someone at a nearby table to monitor your pretentiousness, and advise you accordingly. Being that it's in SF, no one - ever, would advise you about it, because it's impossible to be too pretentious in SF.
Oakland is NOT SF. Not by a longshot. Pretense in Oakland means making sure you're wearing red (or Raiders black & gray) in the correct neighborhood.

Frankly, if you're judging a coffee house for its bathrooms, that's what Starbuck's is for. It was real convenient when my son was potty training and occasionally had to go NOW on the road. They are everywhere, and the bathrooms are clean and available. The coffee sucks but the treats aren't so bad.

Didn't the Bay Guardian go out of business like 5 times? It's been far more useless than the Tribune ever was, for decades.
When I was young, a very wise man once told me that you could judge the quality of the people running a business by the state of their public bathrooms. I have found this to be mostly true.
Oakland is NOT SF. Not by a longshot. Pretense in Oakland means making sure you're wearing red (or Raiders black & gray) in the correct neighborhood.

Frankly, if you're judging a coffee house for its bathrooms, that's what Starbuck's is for. It was real convenient when my son was potty training and occasionally had to go NOW on the road. They are everywhere, and the bathrooms are clean and available. The coffee sucks but the treats aren't so bad.

Didn't the Bay Guardian go out of business like 5 times? It's been far more useless than the Tribune ever was, for decades.

Pretty much that. And yes, the Guardian is pretty useless. Entertaining but useless. I don't know if it's been out of business before, the coffee place occasionally stocks them sporadically.
I think I should have another cup of coffee so I can figure out what your point is. And BTW, what part of Oakland are we talking about?
I know her name.

Wasn't my question. You can know her name and never speak to her. You can know everything about her life and menstrual cycle and never say more than "Hi, I'd like a bacon, egg,& cheese bagel" to her as you play pocket pool.
Wasn't my question. You can know her name and never speak to her. You can know everything about her life and menstrual cycle and never say more than "Hi, I'd like a bacon, egg,& cheese bagel" to her as you play pocket pool.

Oh I talk to her. And I try to be discreet about the pocket pool thing.
That would be an interesting trick in bicycle shorts unless you're doing a sphincter tuck.

It would be, although I'm not normally in bicycle shorts getting my morning coffee before work. Now at the burger place, where there are some real sweeties....

No really, Phuk - with the capital P. ;)

I didn't take this picture but I've seen it personally.

Somewhere deep in the photo archives, I have the Pu Ping Thai Restaurant.

It was in Kailua/Kona, Hawaii, and as you might expect, is no longer there. It was 30 years ago…can't imagine why no one would eat there.
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I believe I've been trolled. 580 goes N-S and 24 goes E-W.

Not in the north side of Oakland.

And there is a stretch out by Pixar that is simultaneously 580 West and 80 East (but it actually goes north into Berkeley).

And East Oakland is the … south side of town (near the airport).

Lots of people get cardinal directions screwed up around the Bay. But not Sac (this time at least).
It's nice to make coffee at home in the morning and drink it in the car.

Far less Korean and bathroom drama.

If you're really short of time, the neighborhood gas station always has a pot on.

Most drama there is whether to put the three pennies change on a dollar into the penny share thing or in my pocket.
It's nice to make coffee at home in the morning and drink it in the car.

Far less Korean and bathroom drama.

If you're really short of time, the neighborhood gas station always has a pot on.

Most drama there is whether to put the three pennies change on a dollar into the penny share thing or in my pocket.

Doesn't work for me. I'm out the door at zero dark thirty and immediately off to the gym, which is by work and a long ways from home. I'm already packed and I sleep in my gym clothes, so when my alarm goes off I just grab my bag and go. Coffee is on the way from the gym to work.
It's nice to make coffee at home in the morning and drink it in the car.

Far less Korean and bathroom drama.

If you're really short of time, the neighborhood gas station always has a pot on.

Most drama there is whether to put the three pennies change on a dollar into the penny share thing or in my pocket.

He goes for the Korean and the drama, not the coffee.
Not quite sure what's being ranted about here (restroom cleaning in Oakland CA?) but I'll share a recent experience:

Spent a month traveling in Argentina (BA and various locations in Patagonia). There was clearly a different standard in restroom cleanliness. From the oiliest gas station to the smallest downtown restaurant to the largest luxe hotel to busy airport facilities, all public restrooms were cleaner than anything I would normally expect in the states... or anywhere else for that matter. Why? I can only guess and observe. Cleaning was performed regularly and frequently. People did not seem to abuse restrooms quite the way we do here. Otherwise I just don't get it but it was quite nice!

If this had something to do with Koreans, Vietnamese, Italians, the French, Indonesians, Latinas, Asians, or not getting laid in general, please excuse the interuption.
I didn't take this picture but I've seen it personally.


Pic has been photoshopped...

Look close...

All air conditioners are mounted at the bottom of each room, on each floor...

Top floor is a open area, with NO roof..:no: maybe a pool deck ?:dunno::dunno::dunno:

It had 2 air conditioners on it...:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

On second thought.... AC's might by positioned on the ceiling of each room...
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Pic has been photoshopped...

Look close...

All air conditioners are mounted at the bottom of each room, on each floor...

Top floor is a open area, with NO roof..:no: maybe a pool deck ?:dunno::dunno::dunno:

It had 2 air conditioners on it...:confused::confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

On second thought.... AC's might by positions on the ceiling of each room...
I"m thinking that each room has an AC unit at the top of each room. Makes some sense but unusual for the States but.... interesting.