Almost checkride ready...


Final Approach
Aug 12, 2012
Danger Zone
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I know, I've been "almost read" since october... but to be fair due to various issues I barely flew from Nov-Apr and lost some progress.

Anyway my biggest issues seem to be with holding altitude and landings, especially crosswind.

I keep ending up +/- 200' as soon as I start focusing on say scanning for traffic during a clearing turn or running through a pre-landing checklist or looking up something in sectional/facilities directory. I also have this odd tendency in the pattern my CFI has commented on that I can't explain either. I can seem to hold an altitude 100' low in the pattern perfectly but for some reason when I try to get on altitude I keep ending up 100' high and if I'm not right on it 200' high instead.

On landings I know what airspeeds I want... 75-80kts by the time I turn base, 66-70 on short final, 500fpm decent(although mainly just try to be at 500' agl about the time I'm turning final. I'm hitting my airspeeds well but am frequently finding myself having to adjust power constantly to get it where I want it. Also find myself high or low on final a lot and have to add power or slip down. Flying a Piper Archer II btw

I know what to do for the crosswind landing... aileron to hold against the wind and rudder pedals to keep the nose pointed the right way but it seems like especially when the xwind component gets up over 7 or is really gusty I'm just a moment behind the wind change and end up touching down either crooked and needing some quick footwork to stay on the runway or to one side of the centerline.

CFI seems to think I just need to go out solo and work on these issues and I should be ready for it. My plan is the next good weather day I can go(possibly WED) to do exactly that... just keep doing 1-2 hour practice sessions all day long until I can nail all these things. I think that ought to work, any words of wisdom or encouragement? I really want to get this ironed out so I can go take my checkride and start actually going places.
I know, I've been "almost read" since october... but to be fair due to various issues I barely flew from Nov-Apr and lost some progress.

Anyway my biggest issues seem to be with holding altitude and landings, especially crosswind.

I keep ending up +/- 200' as soon as I start focusing on say scanning for traffic during a clearing turn or running through a pre-landing checklist or looking up something in sectional/facilities directory. I also have this odd tendency in the pattern my CFI has commented on that I can't explain either. I can seem to hold an altitude 100' low in the pattern perfectly but for some reason when I try to get on altitude I keep ending up 100' high and if I'm not right on it 200' high instead.

On landings I know what airspeeds I want... 75-80kts by the time I turn base, 66-70 on short final, 500fpm decent(although mainly just try to be at 500' agl about the time I'm turning final. I'm hitting my airspeeds well but am frequently finding myself having to adjust power constantly to get it where I want it. Also find myself high or low on final a lot and have to add power or slip down. Flying a Piper Archer II btw

I know what to do for the crosswind landing... aileron to hold against the wind and rudder pedals to keep the nose pointed the right way but it seems like especially when the xwind component gets up over 7 or is really gusty I'm just a moment behind the wind change and end up touching down either crooked and needing some quick footwork to stay on the runway or to one side of the centerline.

CFI seems to think I just need to go out solo and work on these issues and I should be ready for it. My plan is the next good weather day I can go(possibly WED) to do exactly that... just keep doing 1-2 hour practice sessions all day long until I can nail all these things. I think that ought to work, any words of wisdom or encouragement? I really want to get this ironed out so I can go take my checkride and start actually going places.

Just passed my check ride a couple months ago. And I think you have the right idea PRACTICE. I knew I had a inspector that would fail me if I didn't nail my short field landing within 200'. So I went to the airport I was going to take my check ride and practiced short field landings and getting accustomed to land marks and where I wanted to be AGL during the traffic pattern. I would also get your PST book and make sure you know EVERYTHING and practiced EVERYTHING. I don't know if I would "grill" yourself too hard. This is supposed to be fun! Take a few days and do 1-2 hour increments and just enjoy it!