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Ventucky Red

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Jan 9, 2013
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USA landed on the moon again after a 50-year absence... sure we can say been there and done that, but still pretty cool to "geek-out" on...

I’m glad younger generations are going to get to experience the thrill of watching a human step foot on a different celestial body. Pretty awesome stuff.
USA landed on the moon again after a 50-year absence... sure we can say been there and done that, but still pretty cool to "geek-out" on...

Is it fair to say "we" if it's a private company?
Is it fair to say "we" if it's a private company?
Speaking of which, what's the profit opportunity this company is trying to exploit? I mean, other than government contracting.
Speaking of which, what's the profit opportunity this company is trying to exploit? I mean, other than government contracting.
They were paid $118 million by NASA. I eagerly await news of the benefits to mankind.
They were paid $118 million by NASA. I eagerly await news of the benefits to mankind.
In the short term as civilizations go, we will be mining resources. In the midterm, the moon is a lower cost launch point and fueling station for excursions farther out, such as mining the asteroid belt.

I think the most interesting thing about the NOVA-C program is it is a recognition by NASA a commercial enterprise can do what NASA can do in a third of the time and for a fraction of the money.

Of all the things government wastes/misappropriates/subsidizes our taxpayer money on, a robust space program for a paltry 25B dollars a year should be low on the target list. Listing things higher on the target list is left as an exercise for the reader. If I list anything, I'd get banned again.
oof. That televised reaction was a snoozer. I saw the clip, and I felt kind embarrassed ngl. Not hating, any planetary feat is credit to human ingenuity, just stating my visceral reaction vis a vis what my boomer parents experienced during Apollo, stopping in the middle of the road to listen to the broadcast on AM radio, even all the way in BFE half-non-electrified 1960s Puerto Rico.

Good bad or indifferent, I think people will be more excited if it were manned missions, nevermind it doesn't really accomplish anything for the advancement of interplanetary travel at this juncture.

They/we sent an outhouse to the moon.??
That looks about an airhandler for some of the TX mcmansion monstrosities that pepper the sweltering Texas Triangle. Maybe there's a niche to repurpose them for planetary travel :biggrin:
I mean... if you're going to build a colony there, wouldn't that be one of the first things you would want available?
Yeah, after a 3 day trip I would guess a port-a-potty would be a nice thing to see when ya get there...
The commentary in this thread sounds exactly like what Joe Sixpack says about people who fly small airplanes:
- What use is it?
- How much of my tax dollars go to support that?
- Think of all the more useful things that money could be spent on!
I "watched" the landing on Space.com's YouTube feed. As there was no video, those not emotionally invested likely felt it a snoozer. I was riveted, although I think SpaceX puts on a better spectacle whether manned or unmanned. But remember, IM only received 118M for the entire program and spending a few 100K to create a media event was not in the budget.

Unfortunately, it appears the top-heavy craft may have descended tilted and drifting and toppled over. There was an inflight failure with the onboard laser ranging system and IM created a software patch to divert other systems to compensate.

I "watched" the landing on Space.com's YouTube feed. As there was no video, those not emotionally invested likely felt it a snoozer. I was riveted, although I think SpaceX puts on a better spectacle whether manned or unmanned. But remember, IM only received 118M for the entire program and spending a few 100K to create a media event was not in the budget.

Unfortunately, it appears the top-heavy craft may have descended tilted and drifting and toppled over. There was an inflight failure with the onboard laser ranging system and IM created a software patch to divert other systems to compensate.

Sounds like a cavalcade of failures.