Your first 100 hours....


Pattern Altitude
Apr 21, 2013
Madison, WI
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Dirty B
I know there is a thread or two here but I couldn't find them so whatever. Tell us about your first 100 logged hours. How many of each item, and of course you may list individually for each(such as tail numbers, ETC). A couple weeks ago I was .4 short so I took my dad's plane up after a long day of flying to hit that number and ended up with 100.1...

Tail numbers flown - 12(N95787, N49439, N91HL, N6146Q, N421LK, N3421E, N484ER, N8262S, N6205J, N68576, N751BK, N1971A)

Types flown - 6(C152, C172, C421B, Citabria, PA28-181, Evektor Harmony LSA)

Number of airports landed at - 19(MSN, 87Y, 91C, 6P3, DLL, RFD, OSH, DBQ, C29, C35, RYV, LNR, OVS, PDC, 58C, Matson(PVT), MWC, VGT, BVU)

Number of landings - 309

XC hours - 13.9

Number of PAX carried(instructors and DPEs count) - 14(dad, brother, GF, 6 CFIs, a DPE, an ATP, and 3 friends)

States flown in - 4(WI, IL, IA, NV)

Aircraft you flew to hit the 100 hour mark - Evektor Harmony LSA

Am I missing anything? I don't have my logbook handy but will edit later:yesnod:
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First 100 hours for me were spent burning holes in the sky in a Rans S12 fat ultralight with a 2 stroke 582 engine. 4 buddies had the same plane within 25 mile radius. We flew every night in the summer and had a ball! We would land on sand bars on the Platte river, fields, pastures, roads, anywhere we could just to say we did. See who could fly under power lines, into water spray from center pivots, and basically raise hell and have fun. Those were the days! No one got hurt!
Okay I'll bite. This is more fun than finishing my problem set.

Tail numbers flown - 12

Types flown - 6.5 (C162, C172, Sky Arrow, Remos GX, Tecnam P92 (Eaglet/Echo, both))

Number of airports landed at - 23 (W29, RJD, ESN, 3W3, CGE, SBY, GED, W41, 58M, OQN, LNS, 33N, OXB, WWD, JGG, MRB, OKV, 2W2, FDK, IAD, ARB, 0B8, 4B8)

Number of landings - 243

XC hours - 22+

Number of PAX carried - 20 (9 CFIs, 2 DPEs, Dad, Mom, 4 friends, 3 Young Eagles)

States flown in - 9 (MD, DE, PA, NJ, VA, WV, CT, NY, MI)

Aircraft you flew to hit the 100 hour mark - Cessna 162 Skycatcher