You have to see this! T-6 video

They're nuts, that's what they are. So many things could go wrong and it wouldn't just be one of them who crashes.

Nice formation stuff after they got away from the water, though. The T-6 can be such a gracefull looking bird.
yea thats been around a bit. those guys got plenty of publicity on the boards the last time. i think it looks cool/fun. but im not going to go try it
Those aircraft are not T-6's
Company website... Last show schedule was 2004. Wonder if they still fly.

The T6 (and all of its many variants) is a wonderful machine. That they are still flying with numerous airforces is a testament to the design. I would just love to have one; maybe even more than a mustang. Okay, maybe not quite more than a mustang, but close.
a guy just brought one to our field. ive watched it fly a few times. cant wait to beg a ride.