You can have my grill


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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I put it on craigslist for free. It's by the curb.




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I'm a dog person, but that is still so not right.
Yup and even worse, I explicitly stated not to call and I got about 10 phone calls.
People just don't take anything seriously anymore.
**** dude, in Oakland. a grill has a different meaning.
Are you getting a new one? I got a Weber Genesis, it's nice. I named it "Miss Kay" after the Robertson clan's matriarch, because she's short, a little on the chunky side, and loves to cook.

When we got it, I kept telling people I had a new grillfriend. I got some odd looks, not sure why.
Barbecued, boiled, broiled, baked, sauteed, kabobs, pineapple, creole, gumbo, pan fried, stir fried, deep fried, ...
Around here, craigslist would be overkill. If you stuck a paper FREE sign on it, it would have been gone the first Saturday morning you had it out.

I was helping my brother clean out stuff out of his house. He had a bunch of signs left over from his run for the school board. I flipped one of those around and wrote FREE and stuck it and all the stuff at the curb. Within hours the lot was gone...including the sign.
We used to put old appliances and other unwanted items with a free sign out next to the road by our shop at KHUT for easy disposal. They would go so quickly. My wife and I would make bets on how long they would last. I would have bet my father in law anything that the old carpet he drug out of their office would still be at the curb the next day. It was gone by that evening.
Around here no one will take free stuff off the curb. But, put a "for sale" sign on it and they'll steal it within a few hours. :)
The pickers start cruising our 'hood the night before trash day. Once it hits the curb it's fair game.
Years ago I was at a hamfest (a sort of flea market for amateur radio operators). I came across a friend who was selling stuff out the back of his car. He asked me to watch his stuff while he went to get a burger or something. A guy came up and inquired about this pulley that was in a box of random junk. I told him it was $5 but he had to take the entire box. Joe comes back and I gave him the $5.

Joe: What's this?
ME: I sold some of your stuff.
Joe: What?
Me: That box of stuff with the pulley in it.
Joe: You mean the box that said "FREE" on the side of it?
Thought you didn't like people all up in your grill?
Around here, craigslist would be overkill. If you stuck a paper FREE sign on it, it would have been gone the first Saturday morning you had it out.

I was helping my brother clean out stuff out of his house. He had a bunch of signs left over from his run for the school board. I flipped one of those around and wrote FREE and stuck it and all the stuff at the curb. Within hours the lot was gone...including the sign.

In Memphis, the quicker way to get rid of something was to put a "for sale" sign on something instead of "free".

I once parked an old bike out to get stolen, when I got up the next morning there was a better bike in its place, but with a flat tire. That one departed by the next morning.
Around here, if you put something (virtually ANY thing) by the curb, it will be gone before you make it back to your front door.

But trash pickers around here seem to have some sort of code. If you place it about 5 feet or more from the curb they won't touch it. It will still be there on trash day. Of course, if it is 5 feet from the curb, the trash people won't take it either.
I sht you is garbage day in my development. I look outside the window as I'm reading this thread and there's a dude garbage shopping, and apparently doing rather well! Here he's loading a lawnmower that someone left at the curb.


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I sht you is garbage day in my development. I look outside the window as I'm reading this thread and there's a dude garbage shopping, and apparently doing rather well! Here he's loading a lawnmower that someone left at the curb.
Looks like he needs a bigger truck!
Okay I **** you not, but once I had to get rid of a ton of outdated computers and monitors, and free E waste sites were not an option. I loaded them in to a pickup, parked it in a not so nice area of Oakland (close to Foothill and Fruitvale for those so familiar) and had lunch for about an hour.

Problem solved.
Okay I **** you not, but once I had to get rid of a ton of outdated computers and monitors, and free E waste sites were not an option. I loaded them in to a pickup, parked it in a not so nice area of Oakland (close to Foothill and Fruitvale for those so familiar) and had lunch for about an hour.

Problem solved.

was the pickup there when u got back?
Okay I **** you not, but once I had to get rid of a ton of outdated computers and monitors, and free E waste sites were not an option. I loaded them in to a pickup, parked it in a not so nice area of Oakland (close to Foothill and Fruitvale for those so familiar) and had lunch for about an hour.

Problem solved.
What problem was the truck causing?
What problem was the truck causing?

Actually I got to keep the truck, although its theft might have been a bonus for insurance purposes. It was fully depreciated with over 150,000 miles on it, and it was starting to become a maintenance issue.
We have trash pickers who frequent our back alley. They'll take near anything you leave. Problem is if your garage is open when they come by they'll help themselves to whatever they can jack out of it. Don't ask me how I know.
By the way, while the ewaste sites won't take (or want $$) for CRTs, I've found Best Buy will take them. I lugged my 30" HDTV real CRT TV set there to get rid of it not too long ago. It about crushed the shopping cart I dumped it in.
I used craigslist because we have a guy w/ nothing better to do w/ his time but drive around in a golf cart taking pictures of people's houses. If we put stuff out by the curb and it is not trash day, you get a letter.

Using craigslist, the grill got picked up in under 10 min.
I used craigslist because we have a guy w/ nothing better to do w/ his time but drive around in a golf cart taking pictures of people's houses. If we put stuff out by the curb and it is not trash day, you get a letter.

Using craigslist, the grill got picked up in under 10 min.

I think he would get the message by the second time his golf cart exploded in to flames while he was sleeping.
I used craigslist because we have a guy w/ nothing better to do w/ his time but drive around in a golf cart taking pictures of people's houses. If we put stuff out by the curb and it is not trash day, you get a letter.

Using craigslist, the grill got picked up in under 10 min.
Break his kneecaps.
I used craigslist because we have a guy w/ nothing better to do w/ his time but drive around in a golf cart taking pictures of people's houses. If we put stuff out by the curb and it is not trash day, you get a letter.

Using craigslist, the grill got picked up in under 10 min.

Oooh. A big bad HOA letter.

You do realize you have more brain cells than an entire HOA Board ever reaches, put together, right?

Dad annoyed the crap out of an HOA until they sent him a "we give up" letter, six years in. He promptly moved out of the neighborhood and framed the letter and put it on his new wall. LOL.

You really haven't had fun in life until you've screwed with an HOA who outgrew their britches.

Why would you care about said letter? Way more fun to use it to get the rest of the neighbors ****ed off at the doofuses who think being on an HOA board is the pinnacle of success.
**** dude, in Oakland. a grill has a different meaning.

I totally thought that when I saw the title of the thread.... I was like, whoa.... Dude got a new Grillz!
Oooh. A big bad HOA letter.

You do realize you have more brain cells than an entire HOA Board ever reaches, put together, right?

Dad annoyed the crap out of an HOA until they sent him a "we give up" letter, six years in. He promptly moved out of the neighborhood and framed the letter and put it on his new wall. LOL.

You really haven't had fun in life until you've screwed with an HOA who outgrew their britches.

Why would you care about said letter? Way more fun to use it to get the rest of the neighbors ****ed off at the doofuses who think being on an HOA board is the pinnacle of success.

They can fine me. Or so they say.
It's not like people don't know the HOA exists and have restrictive covenant authority when they're looking at and buying their house. If you don't like HOAs then don't buy here.

Buying a home in a nice neighborhood with an HOA and then raising hell and being a general malcontent afterwards takes a special type of jerk.

I know the type well, I bought a farm from one of them once. He wasn't happy unless he had some sort of fight going on, whether it be with his wife, his co-workers, his neighborhood, or better yet, with all of them!

And he had the pleasure of including me during the purchasing process. I'm sure that made his life complete.
HOA agreements are normally roughly worth the paper they are written on. I bought my present house new, and it was subject to HOA covenants. It still is technically but who will enforce them? No board exists, nor was one ever formed. The developer skated years ago.
It's not like people don't know the HOA exists and have restrictive covenant authority when they're looking at and buying their house. If you don't like HOAs then don't buy here.

Buying a home in a nice neighborhood with an HOA and then raising hell and being a general malcontent afterwards takes a special type of jerk.

There's also the busybody that has nothing better to do than wander the neighborhood with his covenant in hand, peering into backyards and generating lists of perceived "grievances" to file with the HOA every month.

Had one who I think at one point wrote up everyone in the neighborhood. Homes that were approved by the HOA and already built but he didn't like an architectural detail or roofline.

"Oh no, Bob's daughter's high school lacrosse teammates came over to picnic and scrimmage on the back of the 5 acre open green space on a Saturday morning when they didn't have a game."

"Wait, are those trees you planted sporting a 1 3/4" trunk diameter? Subclause 3.2.1 (b) requires a 2" minimum. I demand those are removed and replaced immediately."

What a joke. The entire neighborhood wanted him run off. Most of every HOA meeting consisted of listening to him rattle off his latest list of horrors and demand immediate action.
My mother once lived in an area that is restricted with a homeowners association dictator and covenants. I drove my diesel pickup there once, parked on the street and within minutes complaints started rolling in. Seems like parking at the curb is restricted. So I moved it 5 feet and parked it in the grass yard.

Good thing I left my 5th wheel at the rv park or maybe a war might have started.

When I left, I left at 4 am and I called the people that complained to tell them I was leaving.

I don't have a "redneck" pickup with all the toys added on, I actually use mine. But it does have the hitch in the bed.

That was in Tennessee and that neighborhood was full of the most unfriendly people I ever met. I couldn't even stick my arm out the window of a vehicle and wave without someone complaining. So very unlike other Tenneseans. They must have all been from New Jersy or something.... :rofl::rofl: