Would this get your ATP revoked???

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I think you might be surprised. Despite media portrayals, the people I know that lean the way you suggest politically also are the ones more likely to agree with the part in the Bible that says that all men are of one blood... kinda hard to reconcile that and be a KKK person. If they ARE doing KKK type stuff, they are flat out hypocrites and don't belong. I know it's fasionable these days to lump fascists, Nazis, racists and "conservative" Christians in the same camp, but that's not fair or accurate at all.
Sorry, but you're reading more into this than I wrote. I was simply saying that today's KKK members are unlikely to be Democrats. If any were, in recent years, I suspect the 2008 election might have inspired them to switch allegiances.
There's a history of southern democrats that sometimes isn't appreciated outside of the south. After the civil war, the republicans more or less wanted to punish the south for participating in the war, and they did. Northerners were put into positions of power in the south, and more or less the south was occupied territory. The southern democrats survived, but they were not recognizable as the liberal/socialist thing that they are today. Nor really, were the democrats running liquor into upstate NY or Boston during prohibition, from what I understand in part because they were more violent than the mob was at the time. Anyway, that memory of southern democracy lasted a long time, passing generations, with people only remembering "republican = evil, democrat = friend", but not being told why.

Loyalty to a political party makes no sense to me. It's like being loyal to a holding company, these days.
Sorry, but you're reading more into this than I wrote. I was simply saying that today's KKK members are unlikely to be Democrats. If any were, in recent years, I suspect the 2008 election might have inspired them to switch allegiances.
I wasn't. I firmly believe I have met as many racist Democrats as Republicans.
... "was" being the operative word there. I think it's safe to say that the party affiliation of today's KKK members would be otherwise.
Ever hear of the late Senator Robert Byrd? Lifelong Democrat, lifelong KKK member,and a high ranking one at that. He went toes up not so long ago. And, if I recall correctly, Joe Biden had great things to say about him at his funeral.
I don't believe that Byrd was a member. They would have loved him as one, though. I think was head of appropriations for a while? Well respected guy. He wasn't pushed around by anyone, didn't have to, had a lock on his state forever.
I don't believe that Byrd was a member. They would have loved him as one, though. I think was head of appropriations for a while? Well respected guy. He wasn't pushed around by anyone, didn't have to, had a lock on his state forever.
Do a search for Robert Byrd Exalted Cyclops. Might change your mind.


2010 wasn’t that long ago. If there were any high profile Republican KKK members (an oxymoron to be sure) their names would be plastered on the media,front and center, 24/7.
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Do a search for Robert Byrd Exalted Cyclops. Might change your mind.
Still talking about the past, not present. Yes, George Wallace was a Democrat, too, and for that matter, Abe Lincoln was a Republican. My point about the Klan was simply that much has changed in the South and elsewhere over the past century and beyond, including the political landscape as it relates to racial and other issues. Didn't mean to get anybody's hackles up.
A long time ago it was agreed that yelling "fire" in a crowded theater wasn't protected.
I've been caught yelling "Movie!" in a crowded firehouse.
Sorry, but you're reading more into this than I wrote. I was simply saying that today's KKK members are unlikely to be Democrats. If any were, in recent years, I suspect the 2008 election might have inspired them to switch allegiances.

From what I have seen democrats seem much more obsessed with race than the republicans, it’s always a race war or race related with the democrats, republicans don’t seem to care about race one way or another.

Ether way, saying the sovereign types are related to the KKK is hilarious, besides how many legit KKK types are even left? Wasn’t byrd like the last man standing?
Many republicans are willing to accept the racist status quo, where many democrats would like to end it. Byrd certainly wasn't the last, and while senior, wasn't the top. The KKK is in serious decline, but it's not gone and even without that particular group, racism and hate still exist.
Many republicans are willing to accept the racist status quo, where many democrats would like to end it. Byrd certainly wasn't the last, and while senior, wasn't the top. The KKK is in serious decline, but it's not gone and even without that particular group, racism and hate still exist.

Gotta travel more if ya think the US is racist, I’d also say middle class working white folks are the LEAST racist, if you actually look the real attacks based on race in the US, yet the gov says the least racist people are the most racist, clown world
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