

Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Do I remember correctly that some of the website developers here use the Wordpress framework?
I use it when someone asks me for a website/I offer to build one free, it takes about 8 seconds to setup on my server... I then point them at the template site.
Do I remember correctly that some of the website developers here use the Wordpress framework?

It's more of a blog/CMS than a framework, fwiw. It is almost always never the best solution but will often do the job. Just stay away from adding a million plugins.
It definitely has its limitations, but it can be made to work fairly well for a lot of things. Like bartmc, I find it particularly useful when a freind or family member needs a web site for something and I don't want to spend a ton of time on it (and they don't want to spend a ton of money).
I've used WordPress for multiple business sites and it works pretty well. It has grown well beyond its blog beginnings. The next step up the food chain if more functionality is needed would be Joomla or something similar.
Depends what you need it to do. I am by no means a website developer lol, but I built mine using Wordpress and it was rather simple once BartMc solved some technical glitches for me.:redface:
Wordpress works ok as long as security is not a big concern. You can even find some free hosting options with it as long as you don't mind a few random advertisements. It's primarily used by BLOGGERS and those needing a simple site. It's not a good club toolset nor is it a good ecommerce toolset.
Depends what you need it to do. I am by no means a website developer lol, but I built mine using Wordpress and it was rather simple once BartMc solved some technical glitches for me.:redface:

It will be the site for the salvage yard.

The "Who we are, what we offer, where you can find us" plus some some additional simple items. Potentially some ecommerce too.
As already said - it is a CMS/blogging package, and not a web 'framework' per se.

Pretty user friendly for non-technical types. Easy to add plugins/modules to hook up to Facebook, Google Analytics, etc.

As a 'technical' person, it drives me up the wall - you can't just tweak the underlying code and be done with it. There are a lot of layers that you have to take into account to make any changes to layout, etc.
It will be the site for the salvage yard.

The "Who we are, what we offer, where you can find us" plus some some additional simple items. Potentially some ecommerce too.

That can be done from Word Press quite simply. The learning curve is small and utilities pretty user friendly for the 'non coders' amount us. Also changes, updates... All simple.
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My wife uses it to great effect:




True - it isn't really made to be a marketing site sort of toolkit, but what I like about it is until she has some really oddball CSS issue, I really don't have to help her with it at all. She can set them up and customize them herself. Also, there is a huge community around Wordpress for customization.
Just tossing my hat in here. I do a lot of Wordpress development. You'd be surprised what you can get it to do.

For what you're looking for it will be great. Find a template you like and go.
I've developed a number of sites for clients on Wordpress. It works well when they want a CMS that they're already familiar with. Pretty much all of the sites we built were custom designs that we put on WP.
P.S. Henning, your site looks compromised again.... I have about 20 wordpress sites running on my server, not a one is hacked..... I told you to get off that BS hosting provider..., even set my DNS up to accept your site and stood it up, but you never changed the name servers....
P.S. Henning, your site looks compromised again.... I have about 20 wordpress sites running on my server, not a one is hacked..... I told you to get off that BS hosting provider..., even set my DNS up to accept your site and stood it up, but you never changed the name servers....

Uggg, I couldn't get through to them and ended up forgetting... Need to now, this is BS.
I'll install it if people want it / need it.

Mike, I don't think it would be the best solution for your business, nor for most businesses. It's an excellent blog script. It can made to do other things reasonably well, but is seldom the best solution.

I'll install it if people want it / need it.

Mike, I don't think it would be the best solution for your business, nor for most businesses. It's an excellent blog script. It can made to do other things reasonably well, but is seldom the best solution.


It's come a long way since the blog days. For cheap asses who want a "mobile friendly site" it's fairly easy to find a responsive template that's not blog format oriented. For semi-static content and a webmaster who's marginally internet literate, it's a good tool as long as the hosting folks keep an eye on it (Henning's don't) :)
WordPress has evolved plenty in the last few years. By many accounts, nearly 20% of all websites use WP. It USED to be primarily a tool for blogging, but has grown way beyond that.
One thing I like is that I can create a website quickly, and let the client take over the maintenance. There are plenty of plug-ins but, as said above, don't go crazy. A minor update of the plug-in, or WP, can break things. There are many security plug-ins that do a great job of locking things down, and alerting you to attempted break-ins.
Assuming you have a good inventory list, I see real value in Denton Auto Salvage having an eCommerce solution that is mobile friendly. I realize most of your customers will be using desktops when shopping from their shops, but I could see "growth" on the mobile side.
Assuming you have a good inventory list, I see real value in Denton Auto Salvage having an eCommerce solution that is mobile friendly. I realize most of your customers will be using desktops when shopping from their shops, but I could see "growth" on the mobile side.

I agree. A salvage yard is one of those businesses that simply must have a mobile-friendly presence. (Others would include locksmiths, auto towing companies, and amusement parks.) Someone may show up at a pick-and-pull and find that the desired part has either been picked and pulled already, or is in unacceptable condition. At that point, the yard with a mobile site already has an advantage over the competition as this buyer resumes his or her search.

Assuming you have a good inventory list, I see real value in Denton Auto Salvage having an eCommerce solution that is mobile friendly. I realize most of your customers will be using desktops when shopping from their shops, but I could see "growth" on the mobile side.

I highlighted the key point. A static website without 'real' information about what's available is useless to me when 'shopping around'. I can get your phone number, address, etc. off of Google Maps - if I'm going to your website, I expect to have some real-time information about what you have available, prices, etc.

Integrating a shop-side inventory system with a customer-facing e-commerce site is not rocket science, either.
Assuming you have a good inventory list, I see real value in Denton Auto Salvage having an eCommerce solution that is mobile friendly. I realize most of your customers will be using desktops when shopping from their shops, but I could see "growth" on the mobile side.

I highlighted the key point. A static website without 'real' information about what's available is useless to me when 'shopping around'. I can get your phone number, address, etc. off of Google Maps - if I'm going to your website, I expect to have some real-time information about what you have available, prices, etc.

Integrating a shop-side inventory system with a customer-facing e-commerce site is not rocket science, either.

The vendor who supplies our yard management software (integrated package of inventory, warehouse management, purchasing, statistics, reporting, invoicing, A/R, and more. Known as Pinnacle Professional) is rolling out an easy to use e-commerce solution that ties directly into my system. So yes, that will be available.

And plans are to make a "Click this to start the search process" button/link very visible and obvious when you land on the home page.

Pricing, shipping choices, and warranty selection (including 1, 2, or 3 yr warranties) will be very much displayed and available.