Word Lens

That is astounding. Not only does it tranlate but it keeps everthing in the same font.
It's easy to lose perspective on the march of technology sometimes, but occasionally something like this comes along to provide a Tri-corder moment.
It probably won't be too long before computers can translate baby gibberish. This one common language issue is going to be obsolete before we know it. It won't matter what we say, it will be clearly understood by any listener.

Soon, instead of crying coming from the baby's room, it'll be a "Hey, a*****e, a little help in here if you don't mind." :)

They really should have called it the Babelfish. :) Or the TARDIS can do that, too! Universal translator, anyone?
Soon, instead of crying coming from the baby's room, it'll be a "Hey, a*****e, a little help in here if you don't mind." :)

There's already an iPhone app that listens to your baby's crying and tells you whether the baby is hungry, tired, stressed, or... I forget the other one. Needs changing? Who knows. Supposedly it's based on real research... But I like what Ken Ray said on his podcast. "Oh yeah? I'm gonna make one for cats. It'll listen to your cat and tell you whether the cat is saying 'feed me' or '**** off.'" :rofl:
Is this thing real?

What's the app cost?
The app is free. Language packs (only English/Spanish is currently available) are $5.00.
It's easy to lose perspective on the march of technology sometimes, but occasionally something like this comes along to provide a Tri-corder moment.

I thought Google Voice Search was amazing enough.

We are the Jetsons.
I thought Google Voice Search was amazing enough.

We are the Jetsons.

The "tricorder moment" for me: In January 2007, Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone at his Macworld Expo keynote (aka "Stevenote"). Of course, I went and bought one ~6 months later when they were finally shipping.

One year after that keynote, I was in Indiana, rolling down the highway with my trainee driving, and watching the next Stevenote, live, on my iPhone. That's when I realized the world had changed...