Witnessed an engine problem on a British Airways 747 overhead today


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 6, 2015
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I was at one of the park district pools in Arlington Heights, IL this early evening which is fairly close to KORD (about a 20-30 minute drive by car). At roughly about 5:47pm or 5:48pm everybody heard 5-7 loud BANGS in rapid succession and everybody at the pool looked up. I looked up and saw flames shooting out of the left inboard engine on a 747-400 which was probably above 6000' by that point. It was close enough that I could recognize the British Airways colorings. They continued tracking north and turned a bit to the northeast. I told everybody there that I figured he's probably go over Lake Michigan and fly holding patterns for awhile to burn off fuel (rather than dump it) and come back. I checked on Flight Aware a few times on my phone before my phone died. Last I checked, BA294 was over Michigan (the state, not the lake) and I assumed that maybe they were able to continue on to Heathrow. A few hours later while at home, I checked Flight Aware and found that I was indeed correct.... looks like they flew a couple of holding patterns for 2 hours before coming back in to KORD. Here's a picture of the track, courtesy of Flight Aware. The engine problem occurred on their north track just before you see the turn to the northeast. That's about where it was when we heard the bangs! I do have video of the plane, but the flames and sounds had already ended by that point.


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Uh oh, you weren't supposed to hear that or see it. Expect black Suburbans in the morning. Oh, wait, tomorrow is a Federal holiday. Expect the Suburbans Tuesday morning.

Chemtrails 747.jpg
A couple of years ago, BA just continued on after they lost an engine early into the flight. It was perfectly safe and within specs for the plane but it got a lot of people bent out of shape. So I guess rather than going back to Heathrow on 3, they now dump the fuel and repair (or just check) the plane locally.
Looks like they set up for an emergency into MKE, then decided to burn off enough fuel to get to landing weights
Velocity173, I agree, that's what I think as well... a compressor stall. I found the click on LiveATC.net for Chicago Depature (the audio is from 2017-09-03 2330 clip) and here's my transcript:

at exactly 23:51:09 Zulu the pilot said "Pan pan, pan pan, pan pan, Speedbird twenty-romeo-heavy".

Departure: Speedbird twenty-romeo-heavy, say again.

Speedbird: Kay, just a Pan, we had a... engine exceedance on our number 2 engine, um... with some vibration, so... we'd like to maintain uh... one-five-thousand feet initially, uh thanks. We'll come back with intentions shortly.

Depature: Speedbird twenty-romeo-heavy, roger.
Made this video with the ATC lined up with the video I took on my phone. Missed the flames though.
