Wings to Adventure

gkainz said:
In trying to curb my thread hijacking tendencies, I'll start a new thread.

Has anyone watched Tom Gresham's show Wings to Adventure on The Outdoor Channel?

Every week. I believe I saw Tom on an episode of Guns and Ammo TV on the same channel a week or so ago.

BTW, great show! I'd like to see an expanded version of the show to include some "how-to" type segments.
It's not on my basic package thru comcast here - looks like I'm going to have to figure out how to get it added without buying a full premium package.

I saw an interesting psuedo - bio on Tom Gresham when the show was announced last year - interesting guy and love his dad's work as well.
Can't get it weekly because I don't get the channel, but some friends have been on the show and they have shown me those epilodes. I've been at a couple places with Tom and really like him as a person.
