Wings Over Houston


Line Up and Wait
May 9, 2009
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Anyone one go to the Wing Over Houston Airshow yesterday? I was there from 6am to 5:30pm with the Civil Air Patrol. I was on Water Duty most of the day, and in between that I got 20-30min breaks. So on my first few breaks I set out on the mission I had planed months in advance... get Bud Anderson's Autograph! Mission Accomplished!! I got his Autograph and got I got to shake his hand!

All the acts were great this year. My 3 favorites were...

1. The Blue Angels
2. Michael Goulian
3. The ShowCat (Highly Modded Grumman G-164 Agcat)
I was pleasantly surprised to see the Blue Angels back after 8-9 year hiatus. I was present for the last time they were there, and didn't fly. I had heard they were hard to deal with, much more so than the Tbirds or the Canucks...

But in their defense it was a strong wind day, and departures out of Hobby HAD to depart 13, which would violate the 5 nm waivered area. All the other acts were able to accommodate it, but the Angels could not - in all seriousness their whole routine is practiced down to the second and they need every bit of that waivered space...

Didn't actually make it to the show, but saw parts of the practice while driving home Friday, and parts of Tora Tora Tora Sat and Sun while driving back past EFD on the freeway. I saw a B24 in the mix.. was the Collings Foundation birds in the mix with CAF?
I was pleasantly surprised to see the Blue Angels back after 8-9 year hiatus. I was present for the last time they were there, and didn't fly. I had heard they were hard to deal with, much more so than the Tbirds or the Canucks...

But in their defense it was a strong wind day, and departures out of Hobby HAD to depart 13, which would violate the 5 nm waivered area. All the other acts were able to accommodate it, but the Angels could not - in all seriousness their whole routine is practiced down to the second and they need every bit of that waivered space...

Didn't actually make it to the show, but saw parts of the practice while driving home Friday, and parts of Tora Tora Tora Sat and Sun while driving back past EFD on the freeway. I saw a B24 in the mix.. was the Collings Foundation birds in the mix with CAF?

It's funny you mentioned the last time the Blue Angels were at WOH and did not fly, as I to was there. I think I was about 4-5 years old then. lol

As for the Collings Foundation birds being there, I'm not positive on that.
Yes, the Collings A4 was flying at WOH this year. I didn't make the show this year as I was out of town, but several of my friends over at did, and took some FANTASTIC pictures. You all should jump over there and check some out!