Windows 8.1 Demands Microsoft Account


Cleared for Takeoff
Sep 25, 2005
Eastern Iowa
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Jim Meade
I have a couple of computers with 8.1 on them.
When I bought a new one mostly for the wife to use, I decided to try to use it without the Microsoft Account. There are workarounds to get the setup, but every time I try to use an app, it takes me back to the screen trying to get me to enter a Microsoft account.
Is there any way to run apps on this OS without eventually giving in and getting a Microsoft Account?

Hint - this question is not about whether or not I should have or should not have a Microsoft account for my wife's computer.

The question is can I run 8.1 apps without it periodically returning me to the screen trying to get me to install a Microsoft account.

Mine doesn't do that. What sort of Microsoft account does it want you to use? I have hotmail and use the same password, nothing else.
When I upgraded a couple of computers, I also had to finally upgrade from Word 2003 to Word 2013. I had to have MS Office accounts. But since I have 15 computers, that was getting expensive so I opted to start buying 5pc / 1yr subscriptions of MS Office 365 for $150. Now I have to have an OFFICE365 account with a microsoft supplied domain name.

I can't wait to retire.
Mine doesn't do that. What sort of Microsoft account does it want you to use? I have hotmail and use the same password, nothing else.

Hotmail is a Microsoft account.

I tried to use her Gmail account but it didn't take.
Hotmail is a Microsoft account.

Kinda what's wrong with using a hotmail or msn account? Don't have to use it for anything else, I don't. Works fine.
Lower left in tiny print is an option to just sign in to windows. Another trick to force it is to disconnect the computer from the internet and then sign in.
You don't have to use a Microsoft account, even though it looks like it. If you've set one up, you can go back to a local account. Some people created the account during the setup of Windows 8, and others did it during the upgrade to 8.1.
If you don't want to be connected to Microsoft you can DISCONNECT the account and go back to local very easily. (link below).
When you upgrade to Win8.1 you can avoid being bullied into setting up a Microsoft account, too.
I think for some "apps" and services, like whatever it is that Microsoft is calling their backup service this week, you need an account. For others, I don't know.

The reason I don't know may actually be illustrative. It's because I have yet to download an "app" on to my computer through the MS store. I have had a Microsoft account since the 1990s, but it's not linked to the computer, mainly because I've never had occasion to do so. I'm simply not interested enough in what "apps" Microsoft may be hawking to visit their store.

So all I can really say is that if you don't want to use the MS store or any "apps" that need to know who you are in order to function, then as far as I know, everything else should work fine.

After I joined my home domain, I have not had to log on with my Hotmail account.