Winders 11 upgrade from Winders 10.96515418985198

Ventucky Red

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Jan 9, 2013
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So... after 4.5 hours of being stuck on 80% complete on my 4th attempt to upgrade after running all the bug fixes, I finally said "ah the hell with it..."

Am I missing anything that I already don't have?
Nope. One day Microsoft will release a working and bug free version of 11. That might happen before the 2025 Windows 10 end of life
I'll ask a question that's kind of loaded - does the computer you have now, currently ship with a version of Windows 11? In other words, if you have a Pickabrand model x567, does that model ship today with 11 on it?

I ask because generally speaking the only reasons to upgrade a Windows OS are to maintain compliance with regulatory requirements that a business might have, or to get security patches if you're crazy enough to have MS systems that are internet facing for inbound traffic. If your PC ships with Win11, then it's probably possible to get it to run it. Upgrading a computer that doesn't ship with it to that version isn't something I'd do.

Agree with Initial Fix, Microsoft OS's generally get stable just about the time that they go off support. Where I work, we're still running Win10, even on new hardward.

If we could secure it or support it, I'd still run Win2ksp3. I think it's the most stable version they ever released, and the last they added any worthwhile features to (USB support).

Waiting for it to go away, like Netware, but it's hanging on WAY tighter.
Nope. One day Microsoft will release a working and bug free version of 11. That might happen before the 2025 Windows 10 end of life

I bet they don't! To my knowledge, they've never released a version of Windows that didn't have security issues found later on. Maybe if all the corporations buying it required them to bond out the cost of the software unless it could survive a year without being hacked, but that's just a daydream. In what other industry can people sell things that are nearly guaranteed to be built incorrectly? Meth dealers have better quality control.

Edit - that may be a bit harsh. Sorry for the rant, and I meant no ill-will against meth dealers. They may have excellent QC for all I know.
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If you really want to go to 11 - Don't do an upgrade. Just bite the bullet and do a clean install.