WiFi in router??


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Jun 7, 2008
Indian Hills Airpark Salome, AZ
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I just received my Starlink Sat. internet package. The unit only provides WiFi out. I'll want a router that will receive from the Starlink unit and provide wired connections.

When I look for WiFi routers they all seem to be WiFi transmitters that take in wired connections and provide WiFi out.

I need just the opposite, WiFi in and wired out.

Can someone kick me off TDC?


Salome, AZ.
I just received my Starlink Sat. internet package. The unit only provides WiFi out. I'll want a router that will receive from the Starlink unit and provide wired connections.

I have no advice other than what the above posted said, but I feel compelled to comment about the stupidity of that design. The very early starlink setups had a single ethernet output for a switch/router, why in the world would they remove that....?
Yeah I was all set to hook it up and Whoa!
I found the dongle thingy and ordered it and an ethernet switch.
I'm into it close to a grand and hope it'll be worth it.
If you want more than the one wired connection, you may still need a router. If the Starlink Sat performs as a router, you may get by with a switch.
Many routers can be set up as a "wireless client" and then provide ethernet to other devices.
The hardware for wifi is probably cheaper than copper these days. It needs a connector, a transformer, and it has to have a good amount of high voltage isolation to be compliant with UL or whatever. Wifi doesn't need any of it.
I just bought one of these and it works great: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08MKZXGBY?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details It acts like a repeater. You hook it up to your internet WiFi and it has two Ethernet ports. I bought mine so I could get free internet in my hangar from available hot spots around the airport and because I needed an Ethernet port for my Octoprint server.
Most wireless routers have a bridge mode setting. That should be what you need. Then just plug your hardwired connection to the new router.
simply order the Ethernet adapter from Starlink
you can find it on amazon