Why post useless threads?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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When you have nothing useful to say, why make useless threads that people can't even make useless replies to?
<cough cough @Ted DuPuis cough>
Discuss .

Sometimes, we have a series of threads as jokes.

It strengthens the camaraderie of our community, and I think is generally a good thing.

Unless the MC doesn't think it's a good thing, in which case @timwinters can tell you that you'll get the #bandozer (see my avatar).
Unless the MC doesn't think it's a good thing, in which case @timwinters can tell you that you'll get the #bandozer (see my avatar).

I'm all about useless threads...they're the funnest of the funnest.

As long as someone isn't selling something in them, that is.

BTW...have I told you all that I'm the new national rep for a penis enhancing body rub? it's only $500 per quart and it's guaranteed to make you look stupid when your girlfriend finds it in your cabinet!
BTW...have I told you all that I'm the new national rep for a penis enhancing body rub? it's only $500 per quart and it's guaranteed to make you look stupid when your girlfriend finds it in your cabinet!

That sounds like you're speaking from experience there, Timmy. ;)
BTW...have I told you all that I'm the new national rep for a penis enhancing body rub? it's only $500 per quart and it's guaranteed to make you look stupid when your girlfriend finds it in your cabinet!
Really? Ill take 10.
BTW...have I told you all that I'm the new national rep for a penis enhancing body rub? it's only $500 per quart and it's guaranteed to make you look stupid when your girlfriend finds it in your cabinet!

Nothing can beat her opening your night stand and finding a battery powered toy and asking, "is this for me you?" and having a not sure look on your face....
Nothing can beat her opening your night stand and finding a battery powered toy and asking, "is this for me you?" and having a not sure look on your face....

The worst is when you're dating more than one and you find a piece of intimate apparel in the washing machine (or dryer or wherever it was that I found it) and you are afraid to ask....

...that happened to me last winter. Neither brought it up. I definitely didn't!
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