"Why Pilots Make Better Drivers"

Regarding earlier sporadic seatbelt usage by some users: why? Why do people elect to not wear their seatbelt? Is it really that uncomfortable? Is reaching behind you to grab it too difficult? Are you just lazy? I don't get it. I buckle up before I even start the car. It's the first thing I do after I shut the door.

One time (this is a story about how I am a jerk), I was dating this girl. I noticed she would seldom wear her seatbelt, and I would comment on it all the time. She would just shrug it off. Well, I was starting to sound like a dad since I was lecturing her about how she could fly through a windshield or sue me if I crashed because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt (I dunno if that's even true). Genuinely, I kind of cared for her well-being even though I didn't like her much and she was just there for, well... Ahem... Anyway, we were riding around in my car one time and she was still refusing to wear her seatbelt. So, when she wasn't paying attention I decided to give the brakes a good, firm jab and change lanes aggressively. She slid forward and hit her head on the dash. I then gloated, "See, that's why you wear your seatbelt." From then on, she always wore it.
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Regarding earlier sporadic seatbelt usage by some users: why? Why do people elect to not wear their seatbelt? Is it really that uncomfortable? Is reaching behind you to grab it too difficult? Are you just lazy? I don't get it. I buckle up before I even start the car. It's the first thing I do after I shut the door.

One time (this is a story about how I am a jerk), I was dating this girl. I noticed she would seldom wear her seatbelt, and I would comment on it all the time. She would just shrug it off. Well, I was starting to sound like a dad since I was lecturing her about how she could fly through a windshield or sue me if I crashed because she wasn't wearing her seatbelt (I dunno if that's even true). Genuinely, I kind of cared for her well-being even though I didn't like her much and she was just there for, well... Ahem... Anyway, we were riding around in my car one time and she was still refusing to wear her seatbelt. So, when she wasn't paying attention I decided to give the brakes a good, firm jab and change lanes aggressively. She slid forward and hit her head on the dash. I then gloated, "See, that's why you wear your seatbelt." From then on, she always wore it.
Is that being a Jerk or Tough Love? You may have just saved her life.
I injured her to teach her a lesson?

I think I've seen this Ad Council public safety ad before.


You tell passengers to put it on before the lever moves out of Park, or they get out.

No need for facial bashing at all.
Heh it was a while ago when I was less mature. These days, I do go by the "seatbelt fastened then we go" rule.
I injured her to teach her a lesson?

I think I've seen this Ad Council public safety ad before.


You tell passengers to put it on before the lever moves out of Park, or they get out.

No need for facial bashing at all.

Yea but it's way more fun to watch them slide face first into the dash. :rofl:
Yep. The scariest part of driving (for me, at least) is everyone else on the road with you.

Yup. Wanna become an extremely attentive and defensive driver? Ride a motorcycle for a while. I guarantee you, if you're still alive in 30 days you are paying more attention to traffic around you.
Flying GA aircraft is much riskier than driving a car.

Flying in commercial aircraft is safer than driving.

One comfort I do have is if I get killed in a plane, it was most likely my fault. If I die in a car, there's a good chance that it was caused by an idiot drunk driving, or a teenage girl distracted by text messages.
or a drunk teenage girl distracted by a text message:wink2:
or a drunk teenage girl distracted by a text message:wink2:

Give me a texting drunk driver over 95% of the rest of the idiots out there anyday. Drunks are easy to deal with since they're at least sometimes trying to not crash. It's the other people who don't even try to drive while yanking steering wheels around, running lights and stop signs, suddenly crossing 3 lanes of traffic without warning, never look around themselves and on and on and on and then they do something really stupid.
When I jump in a car after a full day of flying, I tend to stop on left turns, and accelerate forward on right turns.