Why do..


Jan 20, 2014
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Ted Striker
..Piper Comanches land flat?

I have a feeling it has to do with the natural position of the aircraft sitting on the ground. My only issue with that is, the Dakota and Cherokee Six are the same way, but owners can land them on the mains.

Is it something to do with the Angle of Incidence as well as the natural position on the ground?

I'm determined to solve it. I just have to get my hands on one.

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Looks like it could have been held off a lot longer. It was nowhere near stall. I don't remember the Comanche having a flat landing problem when I flew one 20 years ago.

Lots of airplanes get landed flat, but it's not the fault of the airplanes. Just poor technique.

And if they land flat, how does one perform a soft-field landing.
"Flat" usually refers to the pilot view from the cockpit, not whether the airplane has it's nose clearly off the runway. It has nothing to do with the aircraft's attitude, just the pilot's. Comanches do fine soft field landings. I've flown a Comanche into far worse airfields than any other airplane I've flown.
..Piper Comanches land flat?

I have a feeling it has to do with the natural position of the aircraft sitting on the ground. My only issue with that is, the Dakota and Cherokee Six are the same way, but owners can land them on the mains.

Is it something to do with the Angle of Incidence as well as the natural position on the ground?

I'm determined to solve it. I just have to get my hands on one.

Dakota's land flat? news to me...
..Piper Comanches land flat?

I have a feeling it has to do with the natural position of the aircraft sitting on the ground. My only issue with that is, the Dakota and Cherokee Six are the same way, but owners can land them on the mains.

Is it something to do with the Angle of Incidence as well as the natural position on the ground?

I'm determined to solve it. I just have to get my hands on one.

Not flat, he was on mains. It looked good.
This landing could have been more nose-up if he had slowed down some.

Comanches, like my Mooney, have laminar flow wings and will float nicely if too fast. This one had about two seconds between mains and nose wheel, about average. It's easy to hold a Cessna nose off for 100 yards or more, but more difficult in many low wing planes because the wing is so much closer to the runway.
I think the fact comanches have the same size nosewheel tire as the mains gives the illusion the landing attitude is flatter, since the bottom of the front tire would be closer to the ground than if it were a smaller tire for otherwise the same landing attitude. I believe there is an STC to slap a 5.00 tire in the front.

Anybody know why in the hell they came with 6.0 nosewheel in the first place? 182s and dakotas don't.
Because the pilot landed it flat?
Not flat, he was on mains. It looked good.
Put your glasses on, his nose touched first.

Because the pilot landed it flat?


I could post a bunch more to reference, but I figured this was good enough.

If you'd like me to bring forward all the evidence I see, let me know.
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maybe I've been drinking but was this landing even worthy of it's own thread?

ok, not 'maybe'.....I've def been drinking (it was trivia night at the local pub)