who's got more spending money this month? eman1200 does......


Touchdown! Greaser!
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
had a few minutes of downtime today (I mean other than all the other minutes of downtime I have during the day to play on PoA).

called my credit card company and the conversation went something like this:

eman: I don't like my yearly fee.
cc company: ok we'll waive it, anything else?
eman: nope, thanks, have a nice day.

really, that was pretty much it.

I know, I know, there are plenty of cards with no fees. I'm not sticking up for having any fee, but I get some decent benefits from this card so it's not horrible. but honestly I just didn't feel like paying it.

so, call up your cc company and ask for them to waive it, then go out and splurge on, well, yeah, I think you know what I'm spending that on aaawww yeahhhhhhh
so, call up your cc company and ask for them to waive it, then go out and splurge on, well, yeah, I think you know what I'm spending that on aaawww yeahhhhhhh

So I took your advice, and they told me to "go f*%@ myself"! How does one do that, I mean really.

Yup we know what you spent it on....boobie magazines and clubs on the strip, or is that strip clubs...
I wonder if that same tactic will work with the FAA.
Yeah, but do you have a monkey?
My credit card(s) company stopped charging me yearly fees years ago. So to try to entice me to use it more, they keep upping the credit limit.
Called my avionics shop:

Me: i dont like my fees.
Shop: OK. The bill is still $12k and we have the plane, keys and the books.
Me: oh. OK. Can I have the plane back yet?
Shop: Sure. Well need a $12k administrative fee to release the plane back in service.
Me: can you waive that fee.
Shop: ^click^
Me: hello? I think I lost you......hello?
Called my avionics shop:

Me: i dont like my fees.
Shop: OK. The bill is still $12k and we have the plane, keys and the books.
Me: oh. OK. Can I have the plane back yet?
Shop: Sure. Well need a $12k administrative fee to release the plane back in service.
Me: can you waive that fee.
Shop: ^click^
Me: hello? I think I lost you......hello?

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it didn't work for you.
So I took your advice, and they told me to "go f*%@ myself"! How does one do that, I mean really.

Yup we know what you spent it on....boobie magazines and clubs on the strip, or is that strip clubs...

Di'nt work for u neithers.
Where is the monkey at and do we need to go get him to end this madness now??

That's the 'easy' way out. LZU is only about 183nm or so, an easy trip. Was just holding out to get one or two more people involved but I'm also considering heading to lzu or we've been talking about a meetup at the runway cafe at gmu.
My credit card(s) company stopped charging me yearly fees years ago. So to try to entice me to use it more, they keep upping the credit limit.

Mine too, and just before I die I'm gonna max that bugger out. In the meantime I'll keep enjoying the interest free loans they give me every month. :rollercoaster:
So I took your advice, and they told me to "go f*%@ myself"!

A) is that really what they said?
B) You took emans advice?
C) Did you get your Cirrus transition training from 6PC?