Who knows what you’re getting for Christmas already?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Oct 25, 2005
Wichita, KS
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No, I don’t snoop. My wife is the gatekeeper for packages that are delivered, but she’s been sick in bed for 3 days. I see a package on the piano bench from one of my favorite tool stores, I grabbed one off the porch from an electronics place (something for the RV)…

excitement is building. ;)

(the above is the inexpensive stuff I put on my list for the kids to pick from…my wife and I already got ourselves new bedding for Christmas.)
My brother knows, because the wine store sent him an email asking him to schedule their delivery. (There has to be an adult there to receive it.)
Cash just don’t know how much.
We already got our chanusa present, a gift that keeps on giving. We of course acquired a robot.
I know of a few cookbooks I’m excited for. No idea if there will be anything else.
4 days in NYC in January for a marathon of live theatre with friends who live in the area.

Well, the airline and theatre tickets were paid for in December, doesn't that count?

If there's anything left in the playmoney bucket (OSH is already in the budget) might be a new CDI for the cherokee in Feb or March.
No, I don’t snoop. My wife is the gatekeeper for packages that are delivered, but she’s been sick in bed for 3 days. I see a package on the piano bench from one of my favorite tool stores, I grabbed one off the porch from an electronics place (something for the RV)…

excitement is building. ;)

(the above is the inexpensive stuff I put on my list for the kids to pick from…my wife and I already got ourselves new bedding for Christmas.)

the jokes on you. your wife and your neighbor are having packages delivered to each other...

Only a few will get my first post...probably for the best....Merry Christmas to all and to all a good flight :)
Weather man promised 40 degrees , if runway plowed ,I may go flying !
Currently a balmy -21 , a nice change from the -34 yesterday morning.
It's a 40 mile drive to the hanger , snow is axel deep on a 4x4 F150 out to the main road .
I love Winter. ;)
Got a new suction cup camera mount for the plane. I’ve gone back and forth with if I should make more visual content in addition to the podcasts. Maybe this helps push that agenda.

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I got a large (#12) FieldCompany cast iron pan. Already have fried up a bunch of sausages in it.