Who knew flying airplanes is a chic magnet


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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Still being in high school, i took my first pax from my school friday afternoon, up for a flight around the city. Said she really liked it, which I'm glad about. Now that everyone has found out about it, they hit me up to go for a ride. Who would have ever thought flying airplanes in high school would be a chic magnet? Lol :lol:
Anyone else remember that first flight you took a girlfriend or a friend up for a flight?
Certainly, I do. I was trying to make time with a girl and I suggested that we go look at the autumn leaves one day. Now mind you she was thinking about a long drive. I then added "from the top." She was afraid of flying but with trepidation agreed to go along. She'd just calmed down to the beauty of the flight when I struck a turkey buzzard knocking a big hole in the wing. A precautionary landing and a ride home with my brother capped the day. It wasn't too long later that she asked if she could accompany me to Oshkosh. By the next year she had gotten her pilot's license. She went on to run an aviation club at her school, to become the Fairfax County aviation educator in residence at the Udvar-Hazy Center, later joining the permanent staff there as docent program manager and now onsite-learning manager.

Oh yeah, and I married her, too.
Wow thats awesome! Sounds like you sparked her interest in aviation. I feel very very fortunate to be able to take these pax up flying at a young age. Its by far worth every penny to see them enjoy it!
Awesome! The first girl I took for an airplane ride in 1984 ended up being my wife (married 25 years and still going strong). I took her up in an Arrow belonging to a family friend (N5860V...... POA memeber Jordan is or has been flying it of late!). We went from FRG to Block Island, rented bikes and had a great time. She still HATES flying... ;)

BTW, how do you know when your date with a pilot is half over?

When he/she says: "Enough about me, let's talk about airplanes!" ;)
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Both of my wives were/are lukewarm at best about flying. Consider yourself lucky to find someone that shares your passion.
Both of my wives were/are lukewarm at best about flying. Consider yourself lucky to find someone that shares your passion.

I consider myself very lucky to be able to take these people for rides. Always interesting to hear everyones stories. Thanks for sharing!
(literal girl friends):

- one fell asleep
- one got sick
- one got entranced, went to Embry-Riddle, flew with Mike Goulian, got onto 135 ops, got an APT, bought a Pitts, married a guy with an airport, sold the airport, ...

>> my father took my mother up, shortly after hanging up his AF uniform. She got sick on him too <<
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Still being in high school, i took my first pax from my school friday afternoon, up for a flight around the city. Said she really liked it, which I'm glad about. Now that everyone has found out about it, they hit me up to go for a ride. Who would have ever thought flying airplanes in high school would be a chic magnet? Lol :lol:
Anyone else remember that first flight you took a girlfriend or a friend up for a flight?

I tell my wife if I wasnt married I'd use flying to pick up chicks all the time. She shakes her head but it's true.
Fly safe and try to time it when conditions are smooth.
Friday was pretty smooth but wish it could have been better, just some light bumps here and there but nothing major. Thank you!
Never had a girlfriend until I passed my checkride last year (I'm 20, by the way)...Anyway, I took a girl flying last winter, and she loved it...we kept hanging out and eventually she became my girlfriend:) It lasted no more than three months, but it still technically counts;)
Blue skies all!!
Use to take girls flying on dates in high school all the time. Told them we were going to dinner but didn't tell them how we were going to dinner. They were all blown away by it and definitely got lucky a few time. One girl told her parents about it(who clearly have a fear of flying) and they were furious. I got a super nasty phone call from her mom at the house when I was at work. My mom ended up answering it and calming her down. She said, "You are ok with your son just taking an airplane up and going God knows where?!" To which my mom replied, "I am more worried about him driving to the airport than him flying" ---End of argument... I definitely don't use it to pick up girls nowadays. Too expensive and you should be able to win her over without the airplane.:wink2: Plus it is my job so it usually comes up pretty quick in conversation already, and kinda hard to hide.
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I try to keep the "and by the way, I'm a pilot" for at least a few dates in. Seal the deal, eman1200, seal the deal!
LOL, you and me both, except I'm only 32. My first 2 ladies were yesterday, first my mom, then my best friend and her husband. :rofl:

And between me and you, I am not gonna say weather I scored or not but I think you know. ;)
BTW, how do you know when your date with a pilot is half over?

When he/she says: "Enough about me, let's talk about airplanes!"

Also, you should probably be suspicious if your wife starts saying things like "Negative on the affair with the pilot."

When I was single and the girl found out I fly for a living, the converstation would turn to this: Oh, your a pilot, very interesting. How much money do you make? End of date.

I would usually tell the girls that I sell womens shoes at the mall.
Today I waited as my hangar neighbor pulled up in his experimental (cloth wings, 2 seat - pretty cool but only cruises about 60MPH or so). His wife looked over at the Bonanza and started asking me questions about how fast, how far and if three could "go somewhere"....

... She hollered over at her husband and asked "why can't we get one of theses!" ...

I told my wife this story and my wife said "SOLD!" :(

Ryan - marry that girl!
Azz, grass, or cash. If they ride for free you is a chump.
Got my license in college and it proved very worthwhile then and throughout law school. My first date with my wife was for a flight. That was 30 years ago. Enjoy the ride!
Better be careful, I took a gal flying on our first date, proposed from the airplane, got married at an airport in the museum, flew to our first anniversary date, and she just spent over 9 hours in a champ with me this weekend for our second anniversary. Be warned, it can happen!
Trying to look at it from a woman's perspective, I'd bone a guy who could take me flying over a guy who couldn't if I liked to fly. ;)

That's why pilot's usually end up with either an understanding wife who just puts up with it, or a pilot/flying wife. Because we're not going to stop. It's like living with an alcoholic only worse. If my significant other said "it's me or flying" I'd show her the road and she knows this. It's not a choice, it just is. I'm very lucky she encourages me to do whatever we can afford. If we could afford a C-208, that would be her ultimate get around plane according to her. She likes big planes like she likes big Texans. :lol:

But yeah, being a pilot never turned any chics off as far as I can tell .. :)
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I bought an airplane AFTER I had been married for 10 years. So I am out of the whole chick magnet discussion, sorry.
Not that my plane would attract an chicks. I fly an old Chevy (Cherokee). :)
Well, I was married too when I got my PPL. So for me, it was about getting my wife to love flying as much as I did! I slow walked it with a flight around the pattern and over our house (the airport is 4NM direct from where I live, but still a 20 minute drive). Then we went around the city, and finally, a group fly-out. Oh yeah, and the entire process started before my check ride. She came with me to the FAAST seminars with promise of Starbucks before or after the session... Now, while she still won't touch anything in the plane with the fear that I'll turn her into an autopilot when we fly the C172, she knows everything that is going on, is great at spotting birds and planes, takes awesome aerial photography, and loves to fly with me!

Perhaps in this case it is more about keeping the girl, rather than getting the girl ;)
Still being in high school, i took my first pax from my school friday afternoon, up for a flight around the city. Said she really liked it, which I'm glad about. Now that everyone has found out about it, they hit me up to go for a ride. Who would have ever thought flying airplanes in high school would be a chic magnet? Lol :lol:
Anyone else remember that first flight you took a girlfriend or a friend up for a flight?

Wife wouldn't like me taking my Girlfriends for a ride. :rofl:
And it always helps if you can breathe thru your ears. :goofy::yes::rofl:
I took my then-GF, now wife, from College Station (she is an Aggie) on a night flight over to Austin for dinner on her birthday in my '66 C172G. It was a one-evening out-and-back trip trip to 6th street and she still gives me props for that 17 years later. Only downside was that I couldn't drink. :D

Cessnas are sexy I tell ya. :lol:
Too funny. There's the male dorm room fantasy and then there's reality.

I see a lot of (normally young) pilots or wannabe pilots at the flight schools with their epaulettes and white shirts. You can tell directly which ones are doing it because they think they're gonna score and impress the ladies and not because they love aviation or flying. They're normally the nerdy type, quite often from a well off or rich background and often are a little lacking in self confidence and game. Quite often from a specific part of the world to the west of the US, no regions mentioned. Same crowd that reads The Game from page to page and then goes to bars and semi-insult women and 'negs' them because they've read that women respond well to bad boy behaviour. It shorts their brains.


Women are not impressed in the least by the horrific prospect of jumping into a 35 year old ratty, smelly 152 rental from the FBO with a pilot that's just ten years away from wetting his bed and just forced her to split the check at the greasy spoon. In fact, you'd probably have better luck scoring if you picked them up in a 30 year old Yugo or your beater van. At least that shows honesty.

Trust me. I'm the nerdy kind that was never that good with women. And every woman I've ever taken up have resulted in zero amorous escapades. I wouldn't even mention I'm a pilot or an aircraft owner until I knew we were already practically married, that's how little pull that stuff has. It's what I did with my fiancee. It doesn't impress, they don't care, they don't want to ride with you and they don't see the point in expensive, smelly, ugly, cramped planes that are 30-60 years old and that costs a ton of money for upkeep. Money you should have spent on them.

You want to impress - rock up in a G650 come bearing Louis Vuitton gifts. Anything below that will get you nowhere. It's just a stupid boy fantasy that needs to die.
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Stratobee that was awesome. Chicks dig boats right?:lol:
Stratobee that was awesome. Chicks dig boats right?:lol:

Boats are much better in this regard.:yes:;)

The one that really shocks me is motorcycles. Imagine for a day that you are a woman. I could think of nothing worse in this world (except for quadruple root canals, perhaps) than to sit at the back of a midlife-crisis Harley, holding on for dear life and with no forward vision as my pudgy husband roars down the freeway chasing some dream. Yet, you see them clutching on at the back all the time on motorcycle rides. And even smiling. It's beyond me. You couldn't pay me enough money to do that. If a Harley needs riding (and this could be contended), I'll be doing the riding up front.
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My wife of 20 years next year jumped in a Skyhawk with me three days after I passed the PP checkride and won't even get on a roller coaster.

It probably had something to do with, oh, we like each other's company, and nearly zero to do with whether it's an airplane or a freakin' golf cart with a dead battery. LOL.

I know this because she also climbed into my old jeep from the driver's side that the passenger door was stuck closed on for two years until I sold it.

Warbirds however... She's totally enamored with those. Not gonna happen, but if the bank account said "doable", she wouldn't just approve, she'd make me buy one.