Which route for project?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
west Texas
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Dave Taylor
A friend has a C150 that is all in pieces for engine overhaul. Wings off for storage and interior needs work too - in general getting near a full rebuild project.

He has it at an A&P acquaintance's hangar and it has languished there for the last 2 years I believe. The acquaintance has said he would finish the project but has 'been busy' with other regular work, I suppose. Finally he wrote my friend and gave an estimate of the engine rebuild prices.
So far parts & labor have been 3.5K.
A&P 1 writes, new cylinders, etc. will another 4K, labor 3K. Includes labor to get it all the way to test fly.

He was about to adbandon the idea until A&P 1 wrote yesterday with this new info.

In fact, a week ago the C150 owner said he was about to take it to another (perhaps more trusted) acquaintance who is a licensed A&P, and let him finish the project. A&P 2 does not do A&P stuff for a living, but seems knowledgable and competent. He would take his time and do it right, and not charge any labor(!). He might take 4-6 months to complete it but the completion date is more of a sure thing. Downside is he would have to spend about $1000-2000 to get it to A&P 2. (long story why so much)

What other info did I leave out for you to give an opinion on which decision is best?
Let'sgoflying! said:
In fact, a week ago the C150 owner said he was about to take it to another (perhaps more trusted) acquaintance who is a licensed A&P, and let him finish the project. A&P 2 does not do A&P stuff for a living, but seems knowledgable and competent. He would take his time and do it right, and not charge any labor(!). He might take 4-6 months to complete it but the completion date is more of a sure thing. Downside is he would have to spend about $1000-2000 to get it to A&P 2. (long story why so much)

What other info did I leave out for you to give an opinion on which decision is best?

Hmmmm... tough call. Does A&P #1 really even want to do the project? Doesn't sound like it, don't blame him much either. I'd go with #2.
Why would A&P2 want to do that much work for no charge? If he is that nice a guy I may have to call him about my Mooney! J
This is only my opinion as I have completed sever restore projects. Most of us A&P’s use our certificates for a living and charge for it. This seems the case of A&P #1. From what I read it seem a fair price, but estimates will go up as the project comes together for all unknown stuff.

A&P #2 doesn’t sound current and may mean well wanting to help. Moving project from one shop to another is really a bad thing as things tend to get misplaced or lost and finger pointing starts. A&P #2 may want the project to learn on as most do.

In my opinion I would go with A&P #3 unless for some reason you don’t have trust in A&P 2 and he really doesn’t want to work on your project. You pay for what you get and no A&P I know works for free. I would shop around for a third A&P to assist you in this project. Just one man’s opinion.

A&P 2 is a nice guy with time to kill and skills that need to be used. If he does not take this project he will likely buy his own or take on some other from what I know of him.
There are a lot of people with skills, experience, capability out there who are wasting it watching TV, or fooling around on the internet! when they could be measuring, riveting, ratcheting in the garage/hangar! I agree though that one who is not doing it for a living statistically may be the type who wants to learn or hammer on stuff but I think not in this case. Also hate the idea of taking work from a guy who does it for a living but that thought is mitigated by the outrageous length of time the project is taking.
Thanks, I will pass on the comments.
Guitarcrazy said:
Why would A&P2 want to do that much work for no charge? If he is that nice a guy I may have to call him about my Mooney! J

Well, one non current A&P worked in our shop for 6 months to meet recency requirements for teaching A&P at a CC, another and more likely is that he is going to trade flying time for wrenching time (fair enough for both). There are also issues of sanity, but I'll leave those without meeting the guy.
"A&P 2 does not do A&P stuff for a living, but seems knowledgable and competent."

Naw, A&P 2 is probably just a hack, looking for a way to glom on to some aiplane parts for free.

That said, I'd go with No. 2; No. 1 is never really gonna finish.