When a hard drive video cam is useless

Hmm,.. maybe Stride Gum would pay for me to fly a GA plane all over the world,.. for $100 hamburgers with pilots from all over,.. while doing a little dance.

Awsome that he scored that trip of a lifetime,... he's probably seen more places and cultures than any other single person in quite some time.
My first thought was the hard drive not working at over 10,000 feet (air pressure is needed for the functioning of the "flying heads"), but of course that's cabin altitude and this one is probably at 8,000 feet.
article said:
Like all modern hard drives, the Sony SR1’s hard drive has a drop-detection system. When it thinks it’s falling, the hard drive heads park themselves to prevent damage upon impact.

It doesn't just think it's falling. It is actually falling just as everything in orbit is falling (around the earth).