What's involved to purchase A/C with missing logs?

Well, they sure would have to try really hard. I had to transport the logs of a Bombardier Challenger once. They filled up the entire back end with seat down of a Ford Explorer. You don't just misplace 30 boxes of documents.
I really doubt you ever zero-timed an airframe.

Why would you think a Restoration would "0" time the aircraft?

or an overhaul would "0" time any engine?
Why would you think a Restoration would "0" time the aircraft?
You're the one who, when asked if anyone had ever heard of zero-timing an airframe said, "I've done a few restorations with up grades." Is that your way of saying "no, I haven't"? As for zero-timing an engine, you already have my answer in the post where I said, "In theory, the manufacturer could "rebuild" and zero-time the airplane the way engine manufacturers rebuild and zero-time engines."
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It's not a matter of who loses them, it's whether they are present n the airplane is sold. Airplanes coming from Mexico are often sold without logs, and after the sale a guy mysteriously shows up saying "Senor, zee logs zay are locked up at my friends house, would you like to buy zem for $25k?"

The story that goes along with why they are missing is often quite entertaining, and many include a disgruntled mechanic who thought somebody done him wrong..

I'll bet those owners don't loose their logs either.
You're the one who, when asked if anyone had ever heard of zero-timing an airframe said, "I've done a few restorations with up grades." Is that your way of saying "no, I haven't"? As for zero-timing an engine, you already have my answer in the post where I said, "In theory, the manufacturer could "rebuild" and zero-time the airplane the way engine manufacturers rebuild and zero-time engines."
Post #34 was in response to your statement

"In practice, it would be way too costly to be economically viable -- you'd almost certainly be able to build a new one for less"

read it again, with out reading into it, what you would like it to say.
It's not a matter of who loses them, it's whether they are present n the airplane is sold. Airplanes coming from Mexico are often sold without logs, and after the sale a guy mysteriously shows up saying "Senor, zee logs zay are locked up at my friends house, would you like to buy zem for $25k?"

The story that goes along with why they are missing is often quite entertaining, and many include a disgruntled mechanic who thought somebody done him wrong..

The aircraft that require hundreds of man hours to complete the inspections they are required to have aren't the aircraft that any A&P can work on.

way out of the topic of this thread. But as usual the Blue board keeps to its tradition of wandering all over the place.
That's probably true. Many shops are real businesses run by good businessmen who work on a variety of singles and twins.

The aircraft that require hundreds of man hours to complete the inspections they are required to have aren't the aircraft that any A&P can work on.

way out of the topic of this thread. But as usual the Blue board keeps to its tradition of wandering all over the place.

When you don't understand the basics, anything other than your pre-conceived and erroneous theories probably isn't the way you think things should be done. Sorry you're struggling with the concept.
T Sorry you're struggling with the concept.

Why' do you think it is important enough to struggle with?

100 hours of labor is only 2.5 weeks for 1 man.

how long did your last annual take?
I can't resist the snark, but you'll be getting two wings, make sure you get the matching prayer!
I suppose I would consider my plans for the aircraft. If I plan to fly it to TBO and max airframe time, it's up to your comfort level and your insurer's comfort level with the aircraft. If youi plan to sell it some day, you will be in the position of explaining away the risk of an aircraft with incomplete logs.