What does this mean?

Don Jones

Line Up and Wait
Feb 23, 2005
Las Cruces, New Mexico
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Never see this on our TAF & Metar, what's it mean?;)

[FONT=Monospace,Courier]KLRU 160531Z AUTO 08006KT 1 1/2SM BR OVC001 02/02 A3009 RMK AO2[/FONT]
KLRU 160527Z 160606 28008KT 1SM BR BKN001 OVC015
FM0800 26010KT 5SM BR SCT001 BKN015
FM1100 26010KT P6SM VCSH SCT030 BKN040
TEMPO 1115 1SM -SHSN SCT010 OVC020
FM1900 29012G18KT P6SM SCT025 BKN040
FM2200 32012KT P6SM FEW040
What, exactly, are you referring to? I don't see anything odd.
thats twice this year snow on the Franklins, must be a record!
More used to seeing 1/2sm bldu, are we Don?
thats twice this year snow on the Franklins, must be a record!
More used to seeing 1/2sm bldu, are we Don?

Absolutely Dave, and I have a feeling that will be here pretty soon. It's already been pretty windy around here. Those spring winds will be howling soon. I had a student out Saturday doing checkride polish up and while under the hood, I got him on top of an overcast area, then had him look outside, sure surprised him.:yes: Don't get the chance to do stuff like that around here much.