We've all heard laser at airplane... What about airplane with laser?

Let me get this straight: You will intentionally blind or severely affect the vision of a pilot who is out looking for you? My thinking is that he or she will be more concerned about keeping the airplane right-side up and under control with no visual clues than they will be about your welfare at that point. Must be a reason why shining lights on aircraft is a felony.

Bob Gardner
There is a proper way to signal aircraft with a laser that will not blind them. However, there are restrictions against firing a Class 4 laser above the horizon.
@bobmrg - I hear ya. My thought behind getting it was last-ditch need because of the accuracy of the point at distance - not to shine in cockpits, but at whatever could be seen - the deck of a ship, etc. But you're right - they can't always be controlled that well, and yeah - blinding the guy who's coming to get you is a bad plan. OK, back to drawing board. Thanks for the attitude adjustment.
Thanks for the attitude adjustment.
Thanks for the attitude adjustment.
Relax people I'm just ribbing y'all
Let me get this straight: You will intentionally blind or severely affect the vision of a pilot who is out looking for you? My thinking is that he or she will be more concerned about keeping the airplane right-side up and under control with no visual clues than they will be about your welfare at that point. Must be a reason why shining lights on aircraft is a felony.

Bob Gardner

There is a proper way to signal aircraft with a laser that will not blind them. However, there are restrictions against firing a Class 4 laser above the horizon.

Actually laser signalling is a tried and proven method. The beam can be seen from quite a long way off so no one is talking about shining it in a pilots eyes. All you have to do Is point it straight up and they can see it

I don't usually chime in on threads that appear to be trolls, but this is such a stupid idea with enough probability that it might actually be the OP's intent.

This is a stupid and dangerous idea. Class 4 lasers are no joke. Any lasers in the cockpit that haven't been engineered to be there is stupid enough, but 6.5W? Oddly enough, I'm hoping this is a troll post, because that is much preferable to this actually happening.

So, let's get this straight...introduce a hand-held laser that weighs over a pound into a small airplane cockpit. Not just any hand-held laser, but one where viewing the projected spot alone is enough to cause eye damage without protection. One where the eyepro does not protect you against direct exposure. A laser you built yourself because shipping the completed laser is illegal. Are you going to use it by yourself? Fly the airplane and control this beast at the same time? Or have someone else take a stupid risk and have four or more eyes that now have to be accounted for? Are you going to shine it through the plexi, damaging the plexi and introducing eye-melting dazzle into the cockpit? Or going to open a window and try to control a one pound metal stick in hurricane force winds?

I would talk about the risk you're introducing to everyone outside the plane, but you clearly only think about yourself, so I won't bother.

op you sure you even have pilots license you dont sound like you could pass all the requirements

Hypothetical Internet conversation = Real life o_O
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Relax people I'm just ribbing y''a

Actually laser signalling is a tried and proven method. The beam can be seen from quite a long way off so no one is talking about shining it in a pilots eyes. All you have to do Is point it straight up and they can see it

Hypothetical Internet conversation = Real life o_O

Well done. After being told you're idea is idiotic you pretend that it was just hypothetical the whole time. I don't think you know the definition of hypothetical. I think, hypothetically, you were dropped on your head as a child once too many times. Hypothetically speaking.
Well done. After being told you're idea is idiotic you pretend that it was just hypothetical the whole time. I don't think you know the definition of hypothetical. I think, hypothetically, you were dropped on your head as a child once too many times. Hypothetically speaking.

I laughed way harder than I should have :rolleyes: