Well, I'm in trouble now...


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 25, 2005
Olympia, Washington
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Ghery Pettit
My wife has been complaining that everything seems to go wrong when I'm on a business trip. Last month was the big wind storm in the Puget Sound area while I was in Taiwan. No power for 4 days. All fine by the time I got home.

Well, it's happened again. I'm in Paris for meetings this coming week and there's a leak in the roof. I knew we'd be putting a new roof on this year, but the timing... As she said in her e-mail - "You are dead meat. Now there's a leak in the roof in our bedroom right in front of your dresser."

Good thing I don't have anything scheduled until March after this trip. Oh, something's going to break big time then, I can just see it. :(

What is it about going away? I had the same problem -- it seemed like every time I traveled for work to CA (from MD), some catastrophe would strike at home. Trees down, heat pump broke, you name it.

Good luck with all that. Leaks are never fun.
You're in Paris. Just don't go home... ;)
My wife has been complaining that everything seems to go wrong when I'm on a business trip. Last month was the big wind storm in the Puget Sound area while I was in Taiwan. No power for 4 days. All fine by the time I got home.

Well, it's happened again. I'm in Paris for meetings this coming week and there's a leak in the roof. I knew we'd be putting a new roof on this year, but the timing... As she said in her e-mail - "You are dead meat. Now there's a leak in the roof in our bedroom right in front of your dresser."

Good thing I don't have anything scheduled until March after this trip. Oh, something's going to break big time then, I can just see it. :(
Same here and it tends to get very expensive too since I'm not home to either fix it myself or oversee the crooks Agatha tends to hire...
Same here and it tends to get very expensive too since I'm not home to either fix it myself or oversee the crooks Agatha tends to hire...

You mean that woman you're married to who shows so much good judgement on so many things can't spot the crooks? Probably just as well as I think we all know what she'd do to a real crook (why else did she learn to shoot so well?). :D

Well, the word from the home front is that they have tarps nailed down to the roof to keep the water out until I get home and we decide what to do next. I think that is simple, escallate the schedule for talking to contractors about options and price and have a new one put on the house. Gee, and I don't have another trip scheduled (key word - scheduled) until early March. Watch that change.
Ghery---- If they put a blue tarp over the roof, you won't be able to fly over the house to check for the leak when you get home. :rolleyes:
Ghery---- If they put a blue tarp over the roof, you won't be able to fly over the house to check for the leak when you get home. :rolleyes:

Somehow I doubt Delta would be too accomodating of that request, anyway. And I don't need the tarp to spot the place from the air, it is easy to spot (at least for me, I know where it is).