Weird Situation.. need information


Filing Flight Plan
Jul 17, 2013
Norther California
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wasn't sure where to post this so please excuse me if it's in the wrong place.

The situation is kind of strange and not sure what to do about it. I'm a webmaster and built a site for a flight simulator business in my local area.

At the airport where the sim is located is CFI instructor that has placed information on his site which makes a statement as though "he" is the one that owns or has access to the simulator for use. Including giving discounts and cfi's can use as needed. He has a movie clip of a guy flying the sim and some pictures. The problem is that he has not talked to the owner of the sim, knows nothing about the sim and doesn't include the business name for the sim or any contact info to arrange for sim use. it's as though he is stating "he" has the sim and to contact him for pricing, use and the like.

I've been told he is a scammer. Nobody likes this guy and wants nothing to do with him. he's advertising aircraft he doesn't have, he is not allowed to use the simulator at any time. You can check out his site and read for yourself how is has included my sim as though it is his below.

what can I do about it?

Code:  my site   his main site  blog with movie
It is just an incorrect website. Get him to take a deposit on Sim training and it is fraud. Before dropping the money on a lawyer ask him how he intends to deliver and tell him to stop. Or send me 300 bucks and I'll do it. Lawyer shjt just costs money, they don't have magic powers.
Seems like there are a few issues here.

1) If the CFI is taking credit for your IP work you can call him on it and get him to stop with a well worded attorney letter.

2) If the CFI is claiming the sim is his but it belongs to the FBO ( whom I would assume is your client) then the FBO has an issue not you.

3) If the CFI is selling time in the sim without the owner's knowledge then the owner has an issue not you. You never know the CFI could be an industrious sort and have an agreement with the owner to market the sim and planes and gets a commission for everyone who signs up on the site for a plane or sim time.

As an aside if the CFI does hold him or her self out as the owner of these planes and the sim he or she could be inviting some unwanted liability.
I will talk to my lawyer about this matter. Thanks for the info and suggestions. The owner of the Sim is aware of the situation and agrees he need to talk to a lawyer.
I'm a webmaster and built a site for a flight simulator business in my local area.
It seems that this isn't an issue for you. It's an issue for the flight simulator business owner.
The only thing you can do is expose the fraud. Contact him for service and document the proceedings. You need evidence to file a complaint or suit.
I know this issue is not for me to worry about. The sim owner is a good friend of mine. He is aware it is his problem, I'm just trying to find out some information for him.
I know this issue is not for me to worry about. The sim owner is a good friend of mine. He is aware it is his problem, I'm just trying to find out some information for him.

You can help him gather evidence of the fraud, document a case where he rips you off, and contact the appropriate district attorney. Most evey office now has a task force on internet fraud, and if you bring them a built case, they will be happy to put it on their win record.
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OMG, I looked up some info and found his name

check this out:



If these are pictures of the actual sims then, to me, they look like different units. Somehow I smell a troll.
Well he's either scamming by trying to divert business from the legit guy or he's playing the SKYRIDE gambit (where they sold packages/gift certificates for skydives and balloon rides to people for operators who didn't know anything about the arrangement).

If there's any of your content (images, etc...), I'd file a DMCA complaint. Anybody can make a complaint to the consumer affairs department, but as others have pointed out most of the issue is between the legitimate training business and this scamster.
It sounds like a self correcting problem. If he has no access to the sim, how can he train his students on it? I would suspect that the students that paid for sim time would be fairly upset once they realized he doesn't actually have one.
The pictures are different. Picture 1 is of the actually sim. I know because I designed the logo on the side.
Picture 2 is just a picture that I put on our website that is not the actual sim.

The picture was taken in the very beginning before anyone knew he was a scamer.

I don't know if it's illegal for him to put the picture on his website or not, however, I think the main concern is that he seems to be advertising the/a sim "our sim" without permission, access to, etc. That being said, it might not be illegal as it sits, but.... don't need this guy taking money for a service he can't provide using the norcalsim business name or speaking for the legitimate business practices of norcalsim.
It sounds like a self correcting problem. If he has no access to the sim, how can he train his students on it? I would suspect that the students that paid for sim time would be fairly upset once they realized he doesn't actually have one.
I was thinking the same thing - even if he advertises "Low, Low Prices!! Discounted SIM time!!" then charges 2X, sends them next door, and pays whatever the going rate to the real sim owner.
Matthew: that's one possiblity.
As the articles say, he recruited a bunch of people and they never
got the training. He could take deposits for training "again" and skip
town. It's just bad news all the way around. :yikes::eek:
It sounds like a self correcting problem. If he has no access to the sim, how can he train his students on it? I would suspect that the students that paid for sim time would be fairly upset once they realized he doesn't actually have one.

He takes a deposit with the booking online or over the phone, you show up at FBO, no booking, no deposit.
I didn't check the links, but if you created the site and he's stealing code/images/etc., then he's stealing your intellectual property (unless your development contract delivered all rights to the client) and liable for damages.

Email him to immediately cease-and-desist or lawyers will get involved. That should shut him down with a quickness.
he has some images he took a while back. no hotlinking.
kevmore99 are you sure that's the same guy?