Water in fuel tanks

As much fuel as he was talking about, I'd suspect the fuel truck. I've seen a similar amount come out of a CAP 182 once, it was several gats jars worth of water from each wing. The plane flew two days earlier, the caps were tight and we'd had no rain. It had to have come from the truck, there wasn't enough airspace in the fuel take to have produced that much water in two days.
They'd have to screw up big time to have that much water in the fuel. I sump the fuel tanks and trucks at Shawnee and I have never seen that kind of water or even close come out of the sumps. Occasionally after heavy rains and storms I see more than average but its still on the order of a teaspoon or two.

In two trucks and tanks above ground subject to condensation in a fairly high humidity environment. YMMV
In my 125 hours of flying, I found water once. About 5 draws later it was clear, did an extended run-up, and flew. No issues.
Finding water or dirt in the gas tanks is not unusual for me. I'll just sump it until I don't find anymore and then go flying.

You guys feel free to keep arguing about it.