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Gastons CRO (Chief Dinner Reservation Officer)
Mar 9, 2005
Wichita, KS
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Well the weather is good IFR today, so im going to go shoot some approaches. Will be departing Ames for Boone, a whole 10 mile trip, probably shoot an NDB approach, hold, then back to Ames for the ILS to 01. 99930 will be the tail number, not sure if Des Moines approach has a feed on liveatc or not.
Have fun... NICE day for approaches.. Wish I had been able to get the RV up here this week! Was at the airport tending cropdusters till about 7 for the past three nights... Oh well.. Maybe there will still be some 'actual' by the time I get the plane up here. :)

I'll listen for ya'...

Just plugged 99930 into You're IFR plan for AMW-AMW is in the system already. :)

And I Lived. Flightaware lost me after I started descending PT inbound at Boone and never picked me up again on the way back into ames. It was perfect, bases about 5-700AGL with tops at 2500 MSL. Another layer above. I shot one of my best NDB approaches ever, no wind helps, and then I kept the ILS within 1 dot any direction back into ames. Broke out about 1700 MSL, had the lights by 1500 MSL, field is 955 MSL. I got some pictures but then my camera died, will upload em when I get home. Looks like I got an Instrument student again this afternoon, so more actual for me!

Chris-Lets go get the RV tommorow :) So far my schedule is wide open...
Here are the pics. First two kinda show the layers, it was a lot brighter than this, camera just didnt capture it. Third shows the panel 6 minutes after takeoff headed to Boone at 3000 feet.


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Thats a neat ASI Tony. I never saw one like that. That inbetween close layer stuff drives me nuts. I think I prefer solid over that or in and out of the tops or bottoms.

Dave and I were inbetween close layers part of the way comming back from Gastons glare was crazy and felt like I was getting squeeeeeeezed. Hope you had a good time.
I think the only big difference between that and others is that it doesnt have the ring around it to calculate TAS. Or is there something else you are seeing? Yes between layers does kinda suck, tempting to use the layer as a horizon and that can mess you up. I prefer clear blue above, makes me happy that im not under all those clouds.
tonycondon said:
Chris-Lets go get the RV tommorow :) So far my schedule is wide open...

I think I'm gonna wait till after Labor Day weekend. I think my parents are planning on flying down to Bama for the long weekend, and it'd be a hassle trying to get it back to them, etc. So right now, I'm shooting for Tues-Wed after Labor Day - depending on when they get back. We 'should' be on cruise control at work now, so getting dad to bring it up here after work during the week shouldn't be a problem. If he can't do that, I'll be sure to holler at you though. ;)

sounds good. if we could find transportation to muscatine, would be a great lesson to fly it back IFR, in IMC if possible. That is what it is all about and will be a pretty common trip for you.