Warning Will Robinson! NOTAMS


Touchdown! Greaser!
Aug 21, 2008
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I learned something new today.

It was an interesting phone call. I checked DUATS weather for the Denver area and noticed ZDV 05/017 about unmanned aircraft out by Byers (BVR). Couldn't find any additional info, eg. exact location, altitude, etc. Checked Jeppesen, same exact minimal info.

"Airspace see ZDV 05/017 unmanned aircraft effective from May 02nd, 2010 at 10:00 AM MDT (1005021600) - May 05th, 2010 at 07:00 PM MDT (1005060100)"

It's a call to LM, the briefer directed me to http://pilotweb.nas.faa.gov. Got there, did a search on ZDV 05/017. Nope - nothing. Briefer pointed me to ZDV 05/032. What? Wait a minute! Don't Jepp & DUATS pull from the FAA's list of NOTAMs? Yup, but .....

So on DUATS, it's 05/017 but on PilotWeb (FAA's site) it's 05/032. And how are we supposed to know this? So far we're 5 days into the month and over 540 NOTAMs have been issued and there's no agreement on numbering?


(I hate these little animations but this one was so appropriate...)

So, here's a warning. When you see "Airspace see xxx/xxx" go direct to PilotWeb, do not pass go, do not collect $200 and don't assume you'll find the same identifier.

FYI - quite a number of little UAVs in the Colorado area these days, most under 1000 AGL. Three around Greeley (GLL) just today. According to the briefer, it's not just the DOD but a number of commercial companies are playing with UAVs and fortunately, they're now required to inform the FAA so a NOTAM gets published.

If you go southwest (near Blackforest VOR) you'll find a rather permanent NOTAMS for UAVs - it's USAFA teaching the cadets how to play grown-up video games....