Wal-mart worker finds man glued to toilet

Good lord, am I the only person who runs my hand along the toilet to check for pee and/or other contaminants before sitting down on the john?

This guy's an idiot. And the prank is hillarious.
SkyHog said:
Good lord, am I the only person who runs my hand along the toilet to check for pee and/or other contaminants before sitting down on the john?

This guy's an idiot. And the prank is hillarious.

You'd rather contaminate your hand than your ass? Given the condition of those two components of my body, I opt for the latter, but I sure would hate to get glued in. Perhaps the best approach would be to wipe the seat with a paper towel or use one of those "seat covers" available in some restrooms.
This might be real and a copycat of one several months ago in Colorado. That ended with the strong suspicion that the guy did it himself for either extortion or attention.
lancefisher said:
You'd rather contaminate your hand than your ass? Given the condition of those two components of my body, I opt for the latter, but I sure would hate to get glued in. Perhaps the best approach would be to wipe the seat with a paper towel or use one of those "seat covers" available in some restrooms.

Hands are easier to wash.

Me, when I have to sit down in a public restroom, I take some TP and wipe the seat first, no matter how clean it looks.
ejensen said:
This might be real and a copycat of one several months ago in Colorado. That ended with the strong suspicion that the guy did it himself for either extortion or attention.

Yes. I remember that! Was it a Home Depot he did it in?
Anthony said:
Yes. I remember that! Was it a Home Depot he did it in?

Your memory is better than mine. It was Home Depot. Sounded like a wacko. IRRC, he had tried other stunts.
I am glad to know guys wipe the seats down as well before doing business. As soon as I am done with my business in the ladies room its off to wash my hands. Then I take a paper towel and turn off the faucet, and to open the door. After all that I use hand sanitizer and lotion.

When I fly on the airlines I take hand sanitizer and wipe the tray down, too, as soon as I am situated.
HPNFlyGirl said:
I am glad to know guys wipe the seats down as well before doing business. As soon as I am done with my business in the ladies room its off to wash my hands. Then I take a paper towel and turn off the faucet, and to open the door. After all that I use hand sanitizer and lotion.

When I fly on the airlines I take hand sanitizer and wipe the tray down, too, as soon as I am situated.

My wife calls me Howard Huhges. I wash my hands a lot. And when I do wash them its similar to what a surgeon does before operating. If I pet the dog I have to wash my hands. If I eat something I wash my hands before and after. My dad was a dentist and I must have picked it up from him. Either that or I am neurotic. Pick one. :D
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Anthony said:
My wife calls me Howard Huhges. I wash my hands a lot. And when I do wash them its similar to what a surgeon does before operating. If I pet the dog I have to wash my hands. If I eat something I wash my hands before and after. My dad was a dentist and I must have picked it up from him. Either that or I am neurotic. Pick one. :D

Anthony, your not neurotic, thats for sure. How often do you get sick? I bet its a lot less than someone who does not wash thier hands. :yes:
You guys use public restrooms???!???
Walmart no less?!?!!?

No More Handshaking!!!!!
How do you tell which one is an aircraft mechanic? He's the one who washes his hands before he goes. Only takes one time.:D
Anthony said:
My wife calls me Howard Huhges. I wash my hands a lot. And when I do wash them its similar to what a surgeon does before operating. If I pet the dog I have to wash my hands. If I eat something I wash my hands before and after. My dad was a dentist and I must have picked it up from him. Either that or I am neurotic. Pick one. :D

There is something that has always bugged the heck out of me, a surgeon, washes his hands for a minimum of 2 minutes each from the elbow to the tip of each finger, what good does it do, as soon as he is done he puts on a sterile gown that covers his arms and sterile gloves, it would seem to me that a simple wash before the gown and gloves would be sufficient, in fact once the gloves are on, it would seem that dirty grease covered hands would be OK.
Let'sgoflying! said:
You guys use public restrooms???!???
Walmart no less?!?!!?

No More Handshaking!!!!!

And certainly you know there's no talking or eye contact "in there".

Sheesh. Today at work two guys were talking business "stall to stall".
tom. said:
And certainly you know there's no talking or eye contact "in there".

Sheesh. Today at work two guys were talking business "stall to stall".

At my work, that happens all the time. Walk into the bathroom for standing business, have to explain to the dude next to you how the last 10 calls went, because he won't shut the hell up.

For sitting business, be prepared to discuss life with the guy next to you.

Or pull a Nick: Look at them with evil eyes until they shut up. Its a bathroom. Don't talk to me in the bathroom.
wesleyj said:
There is something that has always bugged the heck out of me, a surgeon, washes his hands for a minimum of 2 minutes each from the elbow to the tip of each finger, what good does it do, as soon as he is done he puts on a sterile gown that covers his arms and sterile gloves, it would seem to me that a simple wash before the gown and gloves would be sufficient, in fact once the gloves are on, it would seem that dirty grease covered hands would be OK.

think of what happens when a shard of bone or the edge of the blade comes in ctc with the glove, even excess effort can do to that a veneer of latex Its a preventive maneuver; they do break (or even come with defects)
tom. said:
Sheesh. Today at work two guys were talking business "stall to stall".

I can't believe the number of people on their cell phones in the stall lately. Yuck! :eek:
L10MAN said:
How do you tell which one is an aircraft mechanic? He's the one who washes his hands before he goes. Only takes one time.:D

Veterinarians do that, too. My dad used to comment on that (being as he was one).
flyingcheesehead said:
I can't believe the number of people on their cell phones in the stall lately. Yuck! :eek:

When I start a Global Crossing call or Netmeeting I always ask after everyone checks in, "so-and-so, are you in the bathroom?" Then there's some mumbling, "Sorry", and the person drops off the call.:eek:
SkyHog said:
Good lord, am I the only person who runs my hand along the toilet to check for pee and/or other contaminants before sitting down on the john?

This guy's an idiot. And the prank is hillarious.
Gee I hope you put paper on your hand first?? If we meet I am not sure I will want to shake your hand :no::rofl::rolleyes:
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Let'sgoflying! said:
You guys use public restrooms???!???
Walmart no less?!?!!?

No More Handshaking!!!!!

Dave, I'm with you! I'd rather pee in the woods given a choice.
Around my office, people not only wipe the seat first but might also use the "neat seat" paper tops. My problem with either is they usually do not clean up after themselves leaving their paper trash on the floor behind the toilet.

"Neat seats" are flushable. If you use them, dispose of them properly!
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SkyHog said:
Good lord, am I the only person who runs my hand along the toilet to check for pee and/or other contaminants before sitting down on the john?

This guy's an idiot. And the prank is hillarious.

That's what TP is for - I don't want to expose my hand to whatever nasty remnants the last person left for me. :vomit:

L10MAN said:
How do you tell which one is an aircraft mechanic? He's the one who washes his hands before he goes. Only takes one time.:D

An Army Luitenant is standing at the urinal, doing what guys do at a urinal... An Air Force Captain walks in, washes his hands and goes to the urinal next to the butterbar. The butterbar says, In the Army, they teach us to wash our hands after we pee. The Captain says, in the Air Force they teach us not to pee on our hands.


badumdum - I'll be here all week, please tip your server

P.S. Sorry that's only my 3rd post, I like to start with a bang!
Greebo said:
Me, when I have to sit down in a public restroom, I take some TP and wipe the seat first, no matter how clean it looks.
Hmmmmm, to me that's borderline OCD. Careful, might require a Special Issuance.
:eek:... :rolleyes: