Vis. 2 in smoke, 2,000 broken


Final Approach
Jan 5, 2007
Jacksonville, FL
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Those Georgia wildfires are a pain in the neck. The high pressure, northwest winds, and continued dry weather are blowing all the smoke onto Jacksonville, and the sky is yellow. Visibility is horrible, and there's the stink of brushfire in the air. I've taken two antihistamines to keep my nose from gushing like a firehose.

Sure hope it rains soon!
Those Georgia wildfires are a pain in the neck. The high pressure, northwest winds, and continued dry weather are blowing all the smoke onto Jacksonville, and the sky is yellow. Visibility is horrible, and there's the stink of brushfire in the air. I've taken two antihistamines to keep my nose from gushing like a firehose.

Sure hope it rains soon!
Two contributions to the "Limericks" thread on the red board. Post numbers 1802 and 1807.

We need rain...BAD!
Aw, Frank; you made me look at that thread and break a 5+ month streak. 91 pages (PAGES!) of limericks and I'd gone this long without looking at a single one. :lightning:
Aw, Frank; you made me look at that thread and break a 5+ month streak. 91 pages (PAGES!) of limericks and I'd gone this long without looking at a single one. :lightning:
LOL! Sorry John. :redface: I didn't realize you were in a self imposed exile from the Limericks thread. Better not go back can be addictive! :lightning:B)
Waaah. You think you have it bad? I had to leave my baby down there because I couldn't get out VFR! Hitched a ride home in my brother's pickup.

I had no idea those fires would affect Jacksonville like that. Waycross is about sixty miles away! I had no problem getting into VQQ on Saturday morning, but I did hear the controllers mentioning using the ILS 25 at JAX because of the smoke.

Attached are pics from Saturday's flight. These are right over the top at 5,500 feet (yes, I knew there was a TFR to 3000', but some other bozos on the radio didn't!). You can see Waycross airport in the foreground of the first one.

I guess the winds shifted just a little, and I got caught in the world's smallest airmet for IFR. FU stands for smoke in a metar, but it stood for something else for me today! :mad:



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Awesome photos Rich! All that smoke has been blowing down over Jacksonville for days. It was especially bad today. The sky was yellow all day. Very irritating to the eyes, throat and lungs. :(:(
We get that suff every summer. God I hope it starts raining......if it don't we will be smoking :(
I was driving across the state on Thursday from Miami to Sarasota. Since I was so far south to begin with I opted for state road 27 which goes on the south side of Lake Okechobee. A bit west of Belle Glad and South Bay I hit a section of road with a brush fire and vis drops to nothing very fast. I just slowed down in an easy manner in case someone behind me did not. It took a minute or two to break out and then I saw the sign warning me about low vis from a brush fire. ;)

It was very dry across the state down there, a testament to how little it has rained this spring in Florida.