[Video] SR71 Speed Check

I've always liked that story. Too bad that isn't any ATC recordings of it by which to judge its veracity. Either way, it is funny.
That vid has popped up everywhere recently. Read the story in Sled Driver about 20 years ago.

I've always wondered if he didn't exaggerate it slightly though. I've witnessed an F-15 on radar once going over 1000 kts. "Rogue" out of WRB for a post maint hop. Started out at 500 kts at FL490. Once he got out in the warning area he accelerated at an amazing rate. My data dude and I watched as he went from 990 kts GS to +++. That's all that the software was designed for, three digits and in 10 kts increments. Above that, who knows how fast they're actually going. Heard from a center controller that worked in the 80s and he said his stuff only registered a 3 digit GS as well.

Possibly the high sectors use a different software???? IDK.
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Several great stories about the 71 missions. Out run a missile over Libya, fly the N Korea border. But no loiter time. U-2 give them that.